This pretty much sums up the current state of my job search.
This was the absolute perfect meme format to deliver this news. What a disappointment of the casting director.
LOL I’m literally feeling this as I rewrite my resume to get ready to jump ship to a new job before they relocate. Wish me luck lemmings! 🙃
It’s crazy how even though we are raising our little guy non-religious he has “learned” so much from kids at school/friends. We have started playing a game with him called “Fact, Fiction, Belief” where you have to name, you guessed it a fact, fiction and belief. For example, a fact is “a tree is a plant” a fiction would be “trees can walk like ents” a belief would be “cherry blossom trees are the most beautiful plants in the world.” It has really helped him see that beliefs are kind of their own category, they are real to the person who has them but not necessarily shared by everyone.
I just finished your article and wow! I’m definitely going to save it and share it the next time I come across another one of those viral problems. It was incredibly thorough and well researched, you clearly put a lot of energy and effort into it and it blew me away. It was really refreshing to see someone articulate themselves so passionately with supporting research. I look forward to reading more of your work!! 👏
I love it, wishing you all a bright solstice! ✨🤩
Life imitates art and these artists are freaky as hell and I am here for it 😘🤩
People are wild, they forget that sometimes. And some of those wild people really do love being victims, even if it is self made drama lol
It was the style of the time!
I have a neighbor just like this who INSISTS this is a Christian country and it’s Christmas break not WiNtEr break. Satan’s greetings from ya main witch! ✨🥰
There’s mega bunkers under Nestle too because Nestle
Awww lil feather void baby, and also what?
Bro I grew up with a cabinet just like that, cleaning those lids was a nightmare, but now all my lids end up cracked/broken. I’m losing the battle of the Tupperware wars!!
Yah cause Biden is PERSONALLY responsible, NoT mY PrEzDeNt /SARCASM🤮🤢
This is wassup with Lemmy, I trust all you guys so you bet your buns I’ll check him out too
Keep churning out these absolute top tier possum memes 🤩