It does support english ya and even works outside China for navigation. It doesnt have all the same locations like resturants and stuff sometimes tho
id start a nuclear war for a dorito
It does support english ya and even works outside China for navigation. It doesnt have all the same locations like resturants and stuff sometimes tho
Amap - Chinese maps app - extremely common China W
I do think touch screens kinda suck for controls but some game types would work well. Like turn based RPGs i used to play on PS2 would totally be doable on a phone.
Are you actually this deluded lol Biden literally sent Isntreal all the bombs they used to turn gaza into a demolition site as Trump puts it. They laid the groundwork for what Trumps doing now, and not once did they ever attempt to stop the genocide. Which they easily could have done by simply not sending more bombs.
This isnt even a new thing. Trump just doesnt have the tact to lie about it. The US policy on Gaza hasnt changed AT ALL with the admin change. But the only thing you liberals care about is optics.
Bruh the post is talking about politicians and political commentators/media people. Not random voters.
Also this “vote democrat but pressure them” line has never made sense. How are you pressuring them while literally voting for them. “You better start doing what i want or i might vote for you again, but i wont like it!” LOL
LOL when a liberal doesnt know that lemmy was literally created by a group pf “eeviill tankies” in the first place.
You can watch this and look for any evidence of your claim. You wont see any. Or you can take my word for it when i tell you i literally spoke to a uyghur from Xinjiang on XHS the other day and they were chillin enjoying life.
Either way maybe dont just take the word of whatever Western Media mouthpieces tell you?
It should be in the next update they already announced it
Try to keep in mind that is far from the only thing you’ve been lied to about. Not just about China either. The US propaganda machine is massive, and far reaching.
More than a few times ive had captchas that were so hard i just gave up. I dont wanna use your website that badly.
What year do you think it is? Why would the Russian Federations President have a hammer and sickle on his hat? Do you think the United Soviet Socialist Republic still exists? Do you think the Russian Federation uses the Hammer and Sickle symbol? Or is your political literacy so poor that in your mind “Hammer and Sickle = Russia = bad” is the best you can come up with? Not to mention the fact that if you knew anything about the situation in Syria you would know that Iranian and Russian backed forces are being pushed out, and the new Syrian Government is aligned with US, Turkish, and Israeli interests. Not Iranian or Russian interests.
Stop putting so much energy into defending a global empire that’s perfectly capable of defending itself, and get your geopolitical knowledge updated to this century.
edit: As someone kindly pointed out USSR is Union of Soviet Socialist Republics oops on that lol. Doesnt really effect the point i was making at all but ya im a bit of a dumby for that one.
Its funny cuz people say linux is harder, but if i have a problem in linux i am never worried if i will be able to fix it. In windows? Sweating bullets. May the Gods spare me from the hell that is the registry. Dont make me go back.
Um no. You can take the DPRK slander somewhere else.
Exactly. I would go so far as to say the Chaebols let this happen so that they could then have parliment “stop” it and get the people feeling good about parliment so when they turn around in a few months and pass some super crazy laws people wont care.
What? Stop a fascist coup? South Korea is already owned by like 3 coporations its already fascist.
Just wait til you have a laptop that wont turn off until you take it apart and rip the battery cable out. Its like an execution.
Thats not a person. I am 100% convinced that an Alien saw like 3 people, created a body with features from each randomly chosen, and then went to the pool, and not understanding the concept of bathing suits and just not wanting to get their clothes wet started to get naked. Then were baffled when everyone freaked out and they got arrested. After being released they said im never coming back to this planet.
Yeah like during covid lockdown just people driving around less had huge positive effects on the environment. If we could just adopt some of what we did in lockdown like remote work for everyone who can do it permanently it would make a huge difference. And there are tons of ways we could just be less wasteful in general but people dont bother.
If you have a window to put one in a window AC unit can be life changing and you can get them for a decent price. I know it might still just be too expensive but if you can afford one i highly reccomend it. You can even bring it with you if you ever move apartments.
Ok hear me out. We build things that look like houses and when they go in to sleep the floor falls out and a pneumatic tube system sends them to jail. It would only be around 300x as expensive as housing them would be.