Et al, brute?
Et al, brute?
I counted 5 and then 7 steps across 2 breaths. Gotta be at least 50c per step for my to consider it any further. I probably wouldn’t accept until $1. And even then, casual cardio like walking would ramp up breathing faster anyway.
It comes from “molon labe” (which you’ll also sometimes see) which was what the Spartans said when told to lay down their arms or face certain defeat by the Persians at thermopylae. Spoiler: they came and took them.
Topping for baked potato, baked potato soup, and other places where potato, sour cream, and onions may intersect
That’s not how it should work, but it does. It’s a conservative thing to lack empathy. They struggled 20 years ago, so 1. It must be the same exact struggle and 2. Instead of making life better for all, they’ll actively contribute to maintaining shitty life for these “entry” people because that’s apparently just how it works.
They want $15/hr for flipping burgers? I only got $4! (inflation is meaningless, intangible, and not calculable)
They want more savings and less money? Stop buying coffee! (bespoke coffee has tracked way lower than inflation, making daily Starbucks pretty insignificant compared to rent)
They want more respect in customer service? Why, I dealt with all kinds of bullshit! (as demonstrated by their shitty attitude, with less working hours, better benefits, lower population density, less stripped work force, local management support, and a higher percentage of people speaking the common language)
It’s not walking a mile in their shoes, to them. It’s walking in very different shoes and assuming everyone’s shoes are the same. Just look at any meth overdose death story when it’s a nice white girl. She just made a mistake, or got tricked, or was down on hard times. If the case looks like their own daughter, there’s empathy. Anyone else? Victim’s fault.
Trash the world.
No, this was Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult and it was released this year
I bought a “mystery ticket” for $5 at a Regal and ended up seeing The Order. Pretty intense at times when you abstract to real life, pretty upsetting at times. Remember to be intolerant of the intolerant.
I have not been in a packed theater since Avengers Endgame. I have been to the theater dozens of times since then. Don’t go opening night or maybe even opening weekend. Most ticket sales at my AMC and Regal are prepurchased with assigned seats, so you can see what’s open and not blocked. You can move around anyway once inside. And all my local ones rebuilt the floor for a greater slope anyway
I thought Desmond was supposed to die in 2012
Gen Z already has some belief that Millennials did nothing but complain. No/not enough progress was made for all the protesting millennials cried for. It looks like Z is going the X apathetic route.
Yeah, they’re not going to suddenly gain $50k+ cash for a down-payment to replace their home. Yes, a mortgage should be cheaper than rent but a renter probably can’t save an extra 3 year’s worth of rent to put it down.
sees broken glass window with armed agents the other side protecting officials saying don’t come through, starts to climb through, gets shot, dies
“how could Biden do this”
That day was one of the few times a revisited 4chan since being an edgy teen. I knew they’d have a downloadable clip posted. Saved, just in case
They could also just change the game they sold. I had an early print of Need for Speed Carbon for PS2. I couldn’t unlock most of the cop cars due to a bug, iirc. Later burns fixed it
Does it have transition animations or is it actually smooth? Asking from Elite Dangerous where the transition sequences feel pretty immersove to me. Each solar system is an instance with a wormhole jump between. Sublight and FTL have a charge/dropout sequence. The worst is switching between ship/rover/foot where the screen goes black and you hear footsteps. So what does SC do?
Without movie context: blonde white man, traditional haircut, general frustration, devout determination
With movie context: he’s pissed that Barbie has so many freedoms and superior rights. It’s a woman’s world. Males are lower class and serve the women. And if you stop the movie 2/3 through, Ken/men take over the world in Barbie’s absence and take their revenge to live happily ever after. Conservative men tend to think the world has already been taken from them since they’re no longer supposed to catcall women walking, slap their secretaries’ asses, and generally blame this generally progressive trend for equal rights/freedoms as the reason they’re so unsuccessful in life. They don’t blame the economy, capitalism, imperialism, unsustainable growth, misrepresented postwar success, or politicized religious takes; they’ve been brainwashed to identify women as one of the outgroups taking away their resources in a zero sum game.
There’s some weird online connection issues on 360 that occur with certain modern routers. You get dropped randomly from the game. Annoyingly, the emulated 360 on One doesn’t skirt around the issue. It was annoying for Borderlands but made Left 4 Dead worthless on anything besides easy
I haven’t heard Reliqa and just took a quick listen. No screams, right? Spiritbox has screams, a couple songs are entirely screams. I get this was a question about metal but of course there’s all different opinions about frequency and style of screams. The screams are 50/50 for me but the cleans are excellent, bringing me back to Evanescence. I’ll give Reliqa a full listen though.
I’ve been on a Spiritbox kick for a while. Chelsea Wolfe scratches an itch I didn’t know was there, folk metal, like coffeehouse with the espresso machine grinding out the melody.
Somehow both anti-fascist left wing activists (paint, scratch, protest) and anti-ev right wing reactionists/“car enthusiasts” (scratch, cord cutting, gas pump-sucking circle jerking). Yet, Teslas keep selling and people keep buying, despite getting attacked from “both sides”. I think it’s a great example showing the general population does not give a fuck. The apathetic population outnumbers the voting population. The nearsighted self-interested demographic (tax, rebate, and fuel incentives) prevails over the shouty demographic.
It’s vocal minorities all around.
I’m a pro-ev general vehicle enthusiast. I’m surrounded by Teslas. I can’t knock Tesla for putting evs on the road. I’m still waiting for the real manufacturers to get up to speed. At least we had some good PHEV options?