It hasn’t. That’s a fairly recent (1990’s) innovation.
It hasn’t. That’s a fairly recent (1990’s) innovation.
Looks like some kind of excrement grading chart. Who on earth came up with that?
For fair wages, yes.
Very short for a bible. A catechism maybe.
For now. There’s huge groups of people wanting to make the world 1940 again. And even more idiots that are willing to help.
I don’t know. There are a lot of foods already out in the world.
It’s a Sony Picachu. You might be thinking of the Nintendo one.
That’s what good link aggregators are for.
Then you can give it to someone else to read or sell it and even more people can read it.
Immediately reminded me of King Missile.
May work well for show, but remember that fdm prints are never food safe.
Hot air/gas, hot water/liquid, and a hot solid behaved very differently. The numbers depend a lot on what’s being measured. There’s also a big variable of time.
That looks a bit risquey.
Better yet, Blade 3. Nobody’s going to want to see that again.
I’m guessing it’s closer to 190 nations. (Trump, not the assassin)
No Plowie McPlowface?