They seem a bit, dare i say, sus to me
They seem a bit, dare i say, sus to me
Tipping them of a cliff? 🥺👉👈
You may get new and temporary E-Mails but never give up your first one.
That took a turn i didnt expect, Well done
My First thought also went to halsin
That even their close friends turn away from them is hard to understand.
Poluting the environment with my selfbuild automated factorys and thus enrage the local bug population (wich i sadly now have to nuke)
Nah, es hat uns beschworrn, also muss es eine Deutschlandflagge sein
Can you share a Pic of the Kiwi bird please ? 🥺
The FDP was and is a mistake
Not Something i would watch but i dont kinkshame
Thanks for the explanation:)
I dont even know what Message they try to convey
And then there is darksouls 2 with the good old gender change coffin :3
I have finally found the perfect Walkingstick for me (a Alpenstange) and a friend of mine asked if we want to do something together.(wich feels nice because apparently i am a nice enought person that people realy want to spend time with me)
Lol bye