Another thing to note is how comfortable it is to wear. I have a quest 2 but I can’t watch a full movie on it as my face gets sweaty and the device gets heavy. With the vision pro being slimmer, it might offset some of the downward force at the front and be enjoyable to wear. Although that is yet to be seen and reviews will hopefully report truthfully on that. I like watching movies on my nReal Airs as they are very lightweight and this is where the true adoption of the tech will take off.
When they can fit the features of the vision pro into a glasses like model, then you’ll see it take off at warp speed. But we’ve a long way to go before reaching that form factor.
If its wearable all day, with next to no strain, and the features advertised turn out to be real and work incredibly well, it might be worth it even at a slightly lower price point. I would pay for a premium model and move ecosystems if those points were met, but the cynic in me believes it could all be hype. I guess I’ll have to wait a year and find out!