Wheel arch space and van door side skirt. Looks like a Braun or whatever build.
If you can’t distinguish between racist trash rednecks and hicks or other country folks… You haven’t been around them enough. Letter Kenny is to duck dynasty as judge Judy is to dog the bounty hunter.
Would you like to know more?
No one talking about the stairs on the left that are ladder height?
Insert Simpsons jpg “If those [slow drivers] could read, they’d be very mad”
Protip: pass or keep right. +1mph isn’t passing - passing is an active action.
Context for random numbers? 86k/yr, day, lifetime?
Ok you explained that that was the kid version but didn’t explain the not kid version.
Zygote is XY or XX (at conception, which is generally understood as male, female) ??? Male baby, female baby
It’s the ??? Or before part that I’m struggling to understand. Is it the low percentage of deviations that make it not definite at conception?
Fwiw I want you to be right. I see that gonadal sex is effectively female until male, but again the male part was predefined at conception.