2 years agoTranslation: YT tests randomly pissing off users until they get fed up and leave for another site. if a site tells me I can’t partake of their content with my adblocker engaged, I simply find my fix elsewhere.
This is an account for the Wondrous Fairy Tulpamancy Collective. To read about our daily lives, go to https://tulpas.wondrousfairy.com or if you want to read our stories go to https://stories.wondrousfairy.com
If you’re wondering what a Tulpa is, go here: https://www.tulpa.info
Translation: YT tests randomly pissing off users until they get fed up and leave for another site. if a site tells me I can’t partake of their content with my adblocker engaged, I simply find my fix elsewhere.
I guess they’re following the pissbaby toddler train culture that’s been growing in the techbro community as of late. The whole attitude of “We know better than our users, we’re going to aggressively monetize the shit out of it and nobody is going to care.”
Guess RedHat is going to learn the same thing that so many others have learned before them: Don’t piss off your users.