What are you even talking about? The per capita death rates differ from what you’re posting (making up?) here. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the death rate from alcohol use disorders in Germany is 9.2 per 100,000 population, whereas in the United States, it is 14.3 per 100,000 population. That’s a substantial difference. Are you a recovering alcoholic or lose someone to alcohol or something? It’s fine that you are against alcohol, but you’re making false comparisons and citing false data to do so.
Your own Wikipedia link puts alcohol dramatically lower than cocaine and heroin in terms of dependence and harm. Were you raised by alcoholics or something? If so, sorry, that sucks.
You’re unironically putting alcohol on par with cocaine and heroin? You really missed your calling as a roller-pin-wielding prohibitionist by 100 years.
My god, it’s incredible you made it out alive.
To make it even more complicated, counties, of which states are composed, can also set the terms of alcohol use in their jurisdiction. There’s “dry” counties all around the US where alcohol cannot be legally purchased.
And then there are counties where public consumption is fine and prostitution is legal. So… idk. It’s a big country. Montana, just one of the states, is larger than Germany, and it’s only the 4th largest state. The largest state is over four times bigger than Montana.
No one is saying kids require you to drink. The idea that having a glass of wine while playing games with kids and other adults is very puritanical of you. Do you come from a family of alcoholics or something? You’ll be shocked to know many people also have an alcoholic beverage at dinner and their kids are there! 🤯
No…kid-ding. See what I did there?
No one is going to comment on the name? Lol
Tell me you’re a white guy without telling me you’re a white guy.
Your mom is the easiest thot. Sorry, it was right there, I had to take the opportunity.
It’s rarely ever possible to fix something that is fundamentally and compositionally flawed. No one is arguing that it’s easier. They’re arguing that it’s necessary.
Always looking for what’s easy instead of what’s necessary is part of how we got here in the first place.
It’s OK. Welcome to the other side.
I find the video itself confusing. https://vimeo.com/49333930
It seems pretty much in the range of normal to me, idk.
There are images on the internet of his penis. It’s not “confusingly large,” I don’t think. He’s just one of those guys that tends to hang large and low. A shower rather than a grower, as they say.
Just like that. He has a designated guy who is his penis carrier that takes care of clearing the way in front of him and helps shoulder the weight. Especially around corners, which can get logistically tricky.
Yall are crazy. You’re literally like 10 pounds of bacteria. 😁
You’re a world-class moron.