Well, damn. I did not expect to see the most attractive thing ever, tonight. There’s a lot of talent, skill, and silliness to unpack in that photo.
If you’re familiar with his roles in ER and X-Files, he must give off strong as hell “literally rip my flesh apart” vibes, to casting directors.
If nose candy is making you feel like that, you may be snorting literal Pixy Stix… ◕_◕
I’ve also yet to be hit with a piss jar! Hooray! Some interesting jars, from the years when I was still tempted to open them, was a shreik that shattered just about everything fragile in a 50 foot radius, including my ear drums (still dealing with that tinnitus), and another jar spilled out some sort of abomination spider-crabs, which ate all our food and vomited it right back up quicker than our reaction time, whilst chanting something about hating their mother. I’d kill for some lemons, though, the stores have been out of stock of decent citrus.
I’ve really enjoyed having our bad feelings singularity. I’ve been mercilessly unhappy for so long, it fits right in with our style, and having it stare back makes me feel less alone, without the intrusion of another person. It’s ominous hum is great for sleeping, too, automatic blackhole noise machine!
I suggest burying them in the ground! That’s what we did with all the jars that kept hitting me, when we ran out of room in the house - it didn’t help me being hit in the face with newly appearing jars, but we haven’t had to do any lawn care in ages, on account of the backyard collapsing into an ominously humming black abyss. Plus, now we have somewhere to cleanly toss them, rather than precarious stacks to the guest room ceiling!
“I’m sorry, Monsieur Toast, the job posting was for an experienced host.”
Can someone also explain ‘go brrr’, cause I just think of vibrating doorstop springs, but that can’t be right…
Heh. Take THAT, Catholics! Oh, if theses were Reeses…
Yay! Maybe a little bit more upbeat stuff than pure relaxation, but a good jumping off point, I hope, for everyone making more awesome playlists to share! Japanese Jazz & Dandy Bebop
Is it okay to share Spotify playlists? If so, I have a good sized (nearly 16 hours) Japanese jazz/bebop list I put together, track by track, awhile back. I haven’t updated it in a bit cause depression is real, so there’s probably lots more to add by now. Anyway, I didn’t want to just pop off a link to a subscription service without asking, first…
I am reminded of this. Sorry it’s YT, and in two parts - I’m not savvy enough to seek out other sources without my attention span just giving up completely…
Oh, Tom Kitten. You’re not an illustration I thought I’d see today. Or maybe ever again. Beatrix Potter, and all those (probably far grittier than I remember) children’s tales were a big part of the lovely escape from my mother’s overbearing…everything. I used to have a cutely styled Tom Kitten toy wearing his same blue outfit, and every time I’m in that gorram old house back home, I try to find him, cause I loved him and he was the absolute softest mofo, but he was lost and put away when mom decided I was suddenly not allowed stuffed animals to be seen out in the open or some shite. Though one evening buying Walmart wine, I discovered those god awfully popular Squishmallow toys feel similarly soft, and now a small toy corgi named Reginald is an apt substitute for necessary comfort. Thanks for the memories, OP. What an odd rollercoaster for the evening. 😺 Uh…carry on, friends.
Even now, maybe especially now with a little age, his mouth looks a bit like it’s trying to escape the rest of his face. Cillian Murphy’s eyes are too powerful for the rest of his features! 👀