I wish the second wasn’t so terrible. Or maybe that they never made it. Heard rumblings about a 3rd but no idea if that’s still on.
I wish the second wasn’t so terrible. Or maybe that they never made it. Heard rumblings about a 3rd but no idea if that’s still on.
This sacrifice affirms that no one would go through with this if it was a “choice” or “for attention” or whatever the shitbags are saying these days. Imagine giving up the strength of a woman’s immune system and the ease of childbirth for the horrid experience of a man with a cold!
Can I sell you my digital deluxe copy? Half price???
This is gonna sound like a #humblebrag but same. I’ve had drunken gay dudes thank me for existing because they found me that attractive. I know a decent amount of women find me attractive but it’s nowhere near the same degree.
My wife is highly amused by it, but it’s like damn, I’d be absolutely killing it if I was at all into dudes.
Nope, not unless you’re playing online against randoma or friends.
Hmmm. I’d say if you want to try some very different gameplay, one of the “special” tribes. Cymanti or Polaris can be quite fun. Aquarion used to be fairly weak but they’re a lot better following the update, elyrion was actually pretty weakened by the update but devs know this and are working on ways to make them a bit stronger.
If you just want good music, I like Yaddak and ai mo. Quetzali are fun as well. Lux is versatile but they’re more expensive than any other tribe just as a joke about their in game culture lol so buy them late imo. Wouldn’t recommend vengir till later also, swords are cool but can be hard to play since their econ takes time to develop.
Polytopia if you like strategy. You can buy tribes if you want to, but the basic 4 they give you have the “strongest” in the game, there’s no p2w. I’ve ended up buying all the tribes and am well on my way to all the skins (they only have one extra skin for some of the tribes at the moment) but that’s because I play it a ton and have for years, so it’s just to support the dev.
Dev is active and makes improvements regularly, just released a long anticipated update that had some significant game play changes so it feels fresh, and the changes seem to make it more interesting / balanced so far.
There’s also a very dedicated fan community on discord that sets up frequent tournaments or team games if you find you like it.
If I ever find you in public, it’s on sight for this comment.
I’m not saying everyone must dance, but everyone should try dancing multiple times and at different stages of their lives, just like the rest of the items you listed. Failing at something once or not enjoying it once and then swearing it off forever is honestly just sad.
You can claim that, you may even believe it, but that’s all the first steps of dating someone really are. Maybe you don’t do it with dancing, maybe you dazzle them with your vast intellect, but it’s the same thing.
Feel free to stop whenever you’d like lol no one is going to force you to dance like no one is going to force you to reply 😉
That is fair.
I have a hard time believing this mostly because of your attitude towards it. Is it stupid and that’s why you don’t like it? Or you don’t like it, and therefore it must be stupid? Seems like the latter. I’d also disagree that it’s not a useful skill, like any soft or social skill it has its place and it can be surprisingly useful in certain circumstances. For instance, is it useful to be able to impress your preferred gender of person? Or to make them laugh? Dancing can definitely help with that.
When I was younger I thought golf was a useless “dumb” sport, I’m now kicking myself for not picking it up a decade ago because it’s extremely useful for networking and building/maintaining relationships.
I mean, it sounds like you tried and that’s all I’m really saying is to try. Also not necessarily referring to dancing as an actual dance floor despite the post, some of my favorite “dancing” has just been head banging with my buddies. There’s also added pressure to an actual dance floor that I’m not trying to hand waive away.
Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone? Have you ever tried learning a new skill that you’re not a natural at? That’s life my dude.
I mean, I do think it goes along with indulging in something, bit of booze and weed, or stronger on occasion depending on the kind of party. I can do some dancing sober but it loses it’s appeal much faster.
I do know people that love dancing sober as a bird, I just don’t think that’s gonna be everybody, or even most people. It’s like any social event, a lot of people are gonna want at least one or two drinks to let the walls come down a bit.
Lot of people though that flat out won’t put themselves out there and I think that stinks for them, you never know what can come from getting outside of your comfort zone. For me, I never would’ve gotten together with my wife if I wasn’t willing to dance, and a few years before we met I was on the “I hate dancing” train for a while, so I know where some of that comes from.
I felt like an idiot for a long time when I didn’t know what I was doing. Still do, sometimes, esp if I’m fully sober (social anxiety yay). And in the beginning it wasn’t enjoyable, either, I wasn’t doing it initially to have fun, but was tired of standing on the wall or at the bar every time I went to a place or event with expected dancing (and there are LOTS of these, particularly in your 20s). It was surprising when I found myself enjoying it, now it’s surprising when I don’t.
Oh no? You don’t tap your foot, or bob your head to your music? Humans have been dancing for millennia, it’s in our DNA. It’s cool if it’s not your favorite thing, but unilaterally ruling it out is wild.
I got made fun of for my dancing by a pretty girl in middle school, made me keep away from the dance floor for years, and I didn’t know what I was missing out on.
Ok I’ll bite: what’s stopping you from learning to two step? That was the first thing I listed. You have access to the Internet, you can get really good at dancing just watching YouTube and practicing what they do. Less fun initially I’m sure, but doable.
Also my God does dancing make women more interested in you if you’re a dude. It’s not magic where they’ll suddenly flock to you but it’s a lot easier to buy a girl a drink after you’ve made her laugh or spun her on the dance floor. So, there’s some extra motivation if it applies.
I used to think this way, till I actually learned a little bit on how to dance and then how to let go. Don’t wanna look like a fool? Learn to two step first, then pick up something simple if you can. Do the “instructions” dances like the electric slide and the hustle. Then learn to use your hips.
Learning to let go was harder, but I found it easier to embrace silliness. I decided I could look dumb on accident or on purpose, and decided on the latter, so did “sweet moves” that would make people laugh - throwing in old disco moves and such (the bus driver).
Then something happened I didn’t expect: I actually got decent at dancing. Turns out getting out of your own head is a great way to get loose, and suddenly you’re doing your thing and enjoying it, and you’re willing to try out other moves that actually do look like you might know something.
Point is, dancing is for everyone, just gotta find the right headspace (and the right music, it’s still hard for anyone to dance to music they don’t enjoy imo).
Eh don’t think so from a brief googling, but they are all old as shit now.