Listens to too much music
Loves to grow shit
Alive by the grace of dairy products
I can see your point of view. Idk if you would consider this the same, but in this vein I really appreciated that Chappel Roan used her Grammy win as an opportunity to talk about the exploitative nature of the music industry, especially in the cases of smaller indie musicians.
But even tho Kendrick didn’t use his platform in a similar way, I still really enjoyed him roasting Drake again. Idk man, everything in the US sucks rn and it was nice to genuinely laugh yesterday
Also not a sports fan, but a family member told me I had to watch the halftime performance and I’m glad they told me, lol
Drake didn’t really do anything (besides his base level of being a pedo creep), Kendrick just used the platform to roast him again. It was beautiful.
It’s the face when you know what kind of opportunity you have, come up with the absolute best use for that opportunity, and execute that plan to perfection. Bravo, Kendrick 👏
Saw UniversalMonk being an ass one day, made this, and alllllllmost posted it, but for some reason didn’t. I figure this is a good place for it C: