For me it’s displays and audio systems, but I do use RS232 on a daily basis.
Yesterday I had to manually make a null modem cable cause I lost my final little orange dongle.
For me it’s displays and audio systems, but I do use RS232 on a daily basis.
Yesterday I had to manually make a null modem cable cause I lost my final little orange dongle.
Trash 80? This brought back some fond memories.
Killing 300,000 Batarins with an asteroid
Certianly a decent motorcycle.
Not doing that from my work computer…
There is a non-zero chance that once they have a chip in your brain, they will find a way to stream ads in to it.
For that reason, I’m out.
Must have a low IQ cause that’s one box I’m not even going to try and open.
Yeah, I went console when I realised I wanted to spend time actually playing the game.
Sure I’m missing out on the absolute highest settings, mods, etc.
However, I spend 55 minutes out of an hour actually playing the game.
Mine has a brief brake assist, about 1.5 seconds it won’t roll backwards on a hill start.
It’s so subtle and I’ve had the car so long, I completely forget about it.
Any time I drive a car without it freak out when I come off the brake and the car starts moving backwards.
I’ve changed jobs, and moved, to get my commute down to 10 min each way.
As much as I can I ride my motorcycle.
There is nothing I can do to actually be rid of a car, and people who think that can change in American society are just fooling themselves.
Sure it would be great to have high speed rail, and a variety of public transit options, none of that is going to change the suburban sprawl.
I have 20 years experience, just cracked a project I’ve been working on for almost three years, and I still hesitate to consider myself an expert.
Now, I’ll tell any lay person who will listen that I’m an expert, but man, some days I just feel clueless.
I find the biggest issue I run into is lack of a peer group. I work in a large IS department, but other than one guy at my last company who works with a different language, I have no one to talk shop with.
Anyone who hasn’t done a Mun landing shouldn’t get to direct space scenes.