I recently ready about the atomic bombs again, so the us has quite the history of being a silly goose. The bad part about it, the us does not seem to learn from their mistakes and show remorse, but rather not talk about it and brainwash the west with patriotism
I was confused at first, what you meant by professional-lifer
To be honest i offen feel the same, just helpless and too insignificant to change it in my own. But thats the point, we are not allone! I just try to show them undenieble facts, the already very present effect of climate crisis or just statistics of how the money is distributed in our country. The thing I struggle most with them is their bad feith in people. For example many welfare programs or in the extreme the concept of unconditional income by the state gets always used to argue that people are lazy and it would not work because no one would get a job anymore, which i disagree with
Depends in how much you dont want to die
So time os not linear, but cubic?! That’s why I’m always late. I’m just in a different time place
I would argue in addition to that, that it is the things you don’t see on tiktok. They censor specific content that is criticising china or portraying them in a bad light. I’m shure there is good content on the platform. But I genuinely do not understand how people can still use tiktok, same as meta platforms (though they don’t censor that much). Do they not know? Or don’t care?
I think he is very smart. But also very stupid at the same time
Yo. Maybe rethink what you just wrote.
I would be very careful with that. Not official alcohol for example can be very dangerous if the person making it does not know about methanol, which is toxic. If it is not destilled properly, it can end up in the final mix and cause dangerous problems. I guess it goes with other drugs as well. People will still make a profit from it, just without taxes. It’s just easier to justify having some plants at home. So the state is missing out on drug taxes, which could be quite high (lol).
So by creating drug stores, where you can buy controlled, legal drugs would be a lot mor profitable for the state, healthier for society and better for the consumer.
This half assed weird regulation will be used by the conservative parties to justify blocking further legalisation by arguing it’s already free I guess
What a fucking surprise. Not that vw had issues with forced labour in the past before, or is still producing parts in a Uigur labour camps. I really hope the EU law on transparent sourcing for companies is kicking in soon…
How can anyone in an executive roll be so blind and ignorant to the pain and suffering that they are responsible for. This makes me sad
I’m confused. Last thing I remember is that Germany is supporting Israel or at least not recognising the genocide?
And this is actually a very difficult problem to solve.
They are a little confused right now, why they can’t give some money to the politicians and be done with the problem. I think they don’t know what to do.
In the new series. “We act. Than think. Maybe.” By badfoodproductions. (Imagine it read by Morgan Freeman)
Should they not accuse every country of that? I imagine there are people from all over the world that joined the Ukrainian army?
Can we not link the autotldr bot to his own comment?
Crossposts Form reddit? I though about building a bot that posts the top 3 posts every day to the correspinding lemmy instance, just to get more posts here.
I Mike lemmy for its very technical posts but sometimes i would like some more shitposts here :D