I’d say default should be to offer your own name/pronouns to encourage someone to share rather than asking.
I’d say default should be to offer your own name/pronouns to encourage someone to share rather than asking.
Wouldn’t be surprised if some transport companies accidentally get hit by something like this given how so many have very accidentally trans names.
After replying to this, I got that message for a second time except its missing the stumblechat link.
Given the bot is using a single message for everyone, it could have been written by an actual human.
Even if eggs go to $24/dozen, then the cost of egg per dose of flu vaccine would be less than a $1. I only get one flu vaccine a year, so still irrelevant. Also alternative methods for flu vaccine exist and are used already.
When I was in high school, I was confused how other autistic people could be trans because I couldn’t understand how they’d have a gender without buying into the socially constructed bit. So me considering myself technically cis-by-default was primarily because of not knowing agender was an option.
In terms of sexuality, I preferred that some people thought I was gay and I had even considered I might be some sort of ace-spec, but didn’t realize horny ace was an option and probably mistook some envy and non-sexual attraction as sexual attraction.
I use to think I was cis and het too. Up until my late 20’s. Turns out I was wrong on both. Still don’t think we should start assuming people who say they are cishet are just delusional though.
At Christmas family gathering, a few people talked about their early childhood discoveries - I think all three were younger than that.
Wonder how confused the people who say that teens can’t know were when they were teens. Not insulting them - I was one of those who was really confused as a teen (I questioned if sexual attraction was made up).
Idk if I trust teens to know they are allocishet - hard to know if its just societal pressure brainwashing them into believing it. /hj
Be ace and the dating pool is 100% smaller.
Also sometimes how having a body feels like.
Github is blocked in Texas?
Picked my area and 29K puts you in the middle class, which is like $13/hr, and its pretty close to the national average for COL.
Based on which definition?
I feel like by most commonly used definitions I would be. About half my income (before taxes) goes into savings, my position is considered management, I make between 75%-200% of median national income, I have a graduate degree.
I don’t make half that rate though.
Not sure I think middle class is a useful method of classification though, but still curious why that specific number.
Does this just make trans people not trans and make cis people trans and give them dysphoria? Only changing the mind, not the body? If so, then what does this do to NBies? Would more agender NBies become poly gender, gender fluid enbies become gender solid, and multi gender enbies become a gender?
Was the tradeoff meant to be specifically difficult for ace trans people?
Badeline isn’t evil I thought.
Due low voter turnout, it should probably be at least 6 just to be safe if you’re in the US or UK (95% confidence interval wouldn’t include 0 or 1 voter, assuming 60% turnout)
Laser death rays are probably effective at preventing them from voting, but also may lead to the laser death ray user to not being able to vote either. So probably not worth it.
At least online, it seems like the only Americans who call themselves far left agree those are all centrist positions. It’s only “centrists/progressives*” (moderately far right Americans) and other flavors of far right who still often dont generally call themselves far right (trump enthusiasts, alex jones types, proud boy types) who label basic things like universal health care a far left idea or just call it impractical atm.
*I feel like 10 years ago, people who were at least moderately left were the main people using this term, but in the last few years, people right of center have been using the label to try limit progress by pretending they’re just trying to be practical/realists about what can actually be done.
Replace “I” with “someone” and my brother would think you are talking about a complete hypothetical, totally not based on any personal experiences.