Same here, but it does feel like the app has been abandoned by the developer
Same here, but it does feel like the app has been abandoned by the developer
Just block people out instances that repost a lot
Because you couldn’t be brothered to explain, it’s women loving women.
This is what got me to switch to Linux (arch btw). I was getting blue/green screens 1-2x a week and it almost always ruined a gaming experience.
Now I can bork my system during an update, but at least I can game smoothly. My system hasn’t crashed once while in the middle of something (I have, however, fucked up my system post update and without a Time shift backup ready to go which merited a full reinstall - but it’s been a good learning experience overall)
User blocked for claiming that Jeni’s is yogurt.
Get on Google sheets or something to stay organized… Learn how to use index match and how to nest formulas (e.g. countifs, sumifs).
It’s incredibly frustrating when someone at work can’t navigate an excel file or a spreadsheet.
The summary updates don’t work for 90+% of posts (idk if the feature is available for free users - wanted to support development and bought the lifetime membership).
Also I persistently get a notification that there are no messages to return. I can’t seem to get rid of it.
I’m sure there’s other stuff, but these are the ones that I notice.