Only into bottles, though.
Only into bottles, though.
How do you figure that?
Hand stitched
You can also de-DRM the Amazon books with a Calibre plugin called deDRM. I recently did it to all my Amazon ebooks (had a lot for basically the same reasons as you, plus I worked there).
I dunno if you read the response, but Linus was a fucking fool for asking for receipts. He looks like your MAGA uncle asking you to prove vaccines aren’t harmful
I don’t think they were bought by anyone, but their distributor did recently approve them for ads. I suggested that as a possibility, but she was pretty sure it was PocketCasts inserting them. We shall see either way.
My partner noticed a ton of ads in a similar situation (listening to older podcasts). She was also under the impression these older casts did not have ads, but she is getting more and more each listen. Maybe it is the creator inserting them in older episodes, but she is trying AntennaPod, so we shall see
Vernacular is specifically used for informal language, and in this particular case, linguists did not want to imply slang. I am not a linguist, but the sources I found from people who study AAE cited that as the reason for the name change
It was AAVE for a long time, and momentum is a hell of a thing. Ultimately whatever the culture wants to call it, it is really up to them.
Of note here, AAVE is an outdated term. AAE - African American English (still a little outdated) or AAL - African American Language (the newest, most accurate term) are more accurate. Linguists dropped the “Vernacular” because it is not a slang language, and are starting to change “English” to “Language” because it is most likely derived from creole, not English
It is not just slang, though. It is a whole language that black folks have been constantly asking white people to stop using as slang. This is just one public instance of it happening
For the most part I agree, but we are quickly moving to a place where voting either won’t do anything or won’t be a thing. For now, organizing and community support is the best thing to do, but there may come a time where we need to think about other options
Guess we better not try then…
The fact is that while there is no guarantee, you can at lest push to something better. Don’t self-defeat so early
Hate to shatter that ideal more, but the US has never been a bastion of democracy. The electoral college has existed since the founding, women have only been able to vote since 1920, and black folks have only fully been enfranchised since 1965. Even so, the right has been working to disenfranchise black and poor folks ever since.
I think that it is a complex situation that people are trying to distill down into internet takes. It is frustrating, but understandable.
That really isn’t the point. It could be 50/50 for this incident, but EVs (and as much as I hate saying something good about Tesla), even Teslas, don’t have a track record of blowing up. Plus the gas and fireworks in the back say intention. Maybe earlier than intended, but carrying that much flammable cargo is a fire waiting to happen
Sure, I get that, but it still plays into the EV hate. I know they aren’t the single solution, they are a part of a bigger strategy. Just hate to see bad information spread, even through jokes.
It was a bit of a rhetorical question. EV fires are way less common than gas car fires.
Also, CATL makes most of Tesla’s batteries, so they are subject to more QA than Tesla, though some are assembled in Nevada.
Bottom line, make fun of Tesla for the actual shitty things they do, don’t perpetuate unfounded rumors
Do they? Or is that just an extension of the right wing rumor that EVs explode more often than gas cars?
Cybertrucks are super fucking shitty, but for a lot of other reasons. Shitty to no QA, panels that are not properly attached, incredibly low visibility (even for a truck), undersized drive train components, and low actual utility to name a few. Oh, and everything that Elon is
Good they rolled it back. Feels a bit like go for what you want and see how folks react, then have a plan for rolling it back.