If I were to design something hi tech af this is the kind of peripheral it would need so that everyone thinks ‘nah this key doesn’t go to this shit’
If I were to design something hi tech af this is the kind of peripheral it would need so that everyone thinks ‘nah this key doesn’t go to this shit’
Code crackers when Alan Turing showed up
Not a meme though
Gotta be the Snow Business for me
Hey, take away all the humans and it’s proper paradise. But offices are nice too, I guess…
Taking a propa ganda at dat ass
In the Netherlands if you go over 70 too long you’ll end up in the water before too long.
Well I’m not saying you should understand this while blasting by it at 70 kph
Ah yeah my bad. This one is for brommers and snorfietsen
It’s simple, really. It depicts which vehicles are allowed beyond the sign. For some reason cycling is also not allowed.
The camera means that there is an automatic license plate checker in place in case you ignore it.
I’m betting that the Hilux might have since you can mount machine guns on the back and they never break down
Is LeBron’s dad a brontosaurus? That would make sense in the evolution chain. Bronny - LeBron - Brontosaurus
To be clear, I’m the last one to say one shouldn’t invest in money saving innovation. But the breaking even should be number one priority. I, for instance have all kinds of energy savers in my house that have cost me several hundreds. They’ll only be returned in a few years and I need to manage them properly.
Still cheaper than getting a 3D printer and filament and stuff. And CAD/CAM software.
Yeah so that seems pretty dark
Do they also carry that Lil Sebastian song, 5000 Candles In The Wind?
Sinkin’ Park