Regularly have that problem thanks to ulcerative colitis.
Regularly have that problem thanks to ulcerative colitis.
I’m of the age where I can remember having a load of rewritable cds and DVDs plus those things that supposedly cleared up scratches now those were a scam too.
Holy shit dude. That’s the book I remember seeing as a kid.
What book is that? I remember a book with made up monsters in it from when I was a kid and have searched for years and can’t find the name of it. It’s been rather annoying.
There’s lgbtq people in Gaza. Nevermind civilians from any country shouldn’t be starved or killed because of the actions of a few. Collective punishment is wrong no matter who it happens too.
Billie Joe is also bisexual so is speaking as part of the LGBT community.
Shepard’s pie is Irish btw. Not a surprise a scouser would be able to make a good one when Liverpool has a large Irish community.
I love the NHS in my country. I’m currently in hospital right now and the staff are fucking amazing but it’s underfunded so I got stuck in an isolation room all of Saturday after being transferred to another hospital. Anyway the staff isn’t the problem, it’s the lack of support and funding that’s killing the quality of the service which everyone i.e patients, staff, even politicians all agree on.
Welp, a bussy is a bussy.
No joke. My parents are convinced I’m autistic because I used to read the yellow pages (British phone book) to calm down when I was little.
Ding ding. Most of my early childhood memories are video tapes, Compaq PC that was a big brick, playing PC games with a joystick, a mega drive, a PS1, family trips/holidays in the car. My family did not have a lot of money so everything I grew up with to say when I was 10 was older stuff. I got a CRT for my room from my great aunt that I thought was the shit when I was about 7-9 and that was only really when thinner TV’s were becoming a thing. It always amuses me that people want to label me a millennial when I didn’t actually turn 18 at the millennial, I remember 90’s kid stuff because I grew up with a Gameboy and Pokémon, I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons in the UK. I don’t relate much to gen z because the younger end speaks a completely different language to me.
My family always went on holiday to Ireland so they had a map for it. When I was little I used to love opening that thing and picturing all the places we could go.
I was born in October 96 so gen z and I grew up with a mega drive and PS1 so scart cables were very familiar. The only TV we had for years was a CRT so I was more than familiar with red yellow and white connectors into the back as well.
There was a Xmas one released last December too.
But if that’s for news, where do I get my HQ jemes?
I’m bi or pan or something along those lines and I don’t fit stereotypes either. When I came out to people at 17, the usual reaction was disbelief then followed up by questioning (being asked how did I know?) basically people were asking how sexually active I was. So now I wear pride bracelets or necklaces to show people I am out and proud.
My brother is 26 and his gf is a similar age. Because we’re on the other side of the world they’ve a long distance relationship but he traveled there last year to spend a few months with her. They talk basically all day on a Saturday and Sunday as he works during the week. There’s nothing creepy or pedophilic about him yet that’s clearly the assumption that would get made when despite being around the same age. And yes I have seen what his gf looks like and she speaks to the rest of the family sometimes too.
Except that wasn’t slugworth in the movie. It was a guy working for Willy Wonka who was testing the kids to see if they’d betray him/could be trusted with the factory.
John K and Peta definitely fit the bottom image.