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ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride
please remember to click an ad on your way out so we can keep bringing you more of this ripe content. 😔 🔫
meh. they can look if they want. once in a while i’ll flip off the camera tho, just to keep it spicy
upped for stolen sauces. rice and stolen taco bell packets kept me from starving back when 17 and kicked out of the house for the 2nd time.
Siri, make me look like a cunt
a little salad and endless bready
It’s not that they didn’t know what would happen to us.
It’s that they didn’t care what would happen to us.
Just wait. Everything is about to go nuts.
i quit and i’m not going to start again cuz quitting was really hard, but smoking is fucking amazing if it weren’t for the side effects.
that’s just reality.
i’m still not sure quitting is going to be a net gain in years and quality of life with how much smoking helped regulate my mental health.
the brain develops in a chronologically similar fashion among members of the same species. even more so when exposed to similar cultural stimuli. that is correct.
First thing, kill the guys by the ballista in front of the castle like 500 times fer levulz. Then go south for a while and kill lion guy. then do everything else.
religion is entertainment designed to make people feel like theyre doing something good. while they are technically being willfully ignorant, the parents are more simply focused on their own gratification and don’t want to be bothered with solving actually crises or doing actual good. they just want to be told they are good because that feels good. thats what keeps them putting money in the plate. their own gratification.
If you don’t accept adding and subtracting numbers as allowed mathematical transactions, multiplication doesn’t make sense at all. It isn’t arbitrary. It’s fundamental basic accounting.
I’m not a big fan of Stephen King but I love ass books. So conflicted.
Pemdas is mostly just factoring, kinda. That’s how you should think of it.
2x4 is really 2+2+2+2.
That first 2+(anything else) can’t be acted/operated upon until you’ve resolved more nested operations down to a comparable level.
That’s it. It’s not arbitrary. It’s not magic. It’s just doing similar actions at the same time in a meaningful way. It’s just factoring the activities.
Lately it’s mostly nightmares and waking up angry because I’m exhausted but completely unable to sleep…
its a trap