It’s fucking ridiculous the lengths I have to go through to dodge meals at the in-laws. Luckily my partner is on my side. Her mom can’t cook for shit.
It’s fucking ridiculous the lengths I have to go through to dodge meals at the in-laws. Luckily my partner is on my side. Her mom can’t cook for shit.
Cheers mate! 🍺
I’ve seen it.
On unrelated matter: are emojis allowed on lemmy?
I’m not extolling virtues of an Sync’s code. I also don’t understand why a lot of people automatically think that open source is better “because anyone can look at it”. All I’m saying that to me it’s much of a muchness. I don’t understand code so open or closed it’s not a draw card for me.
Sync had served me well on reddit. I don’t pay for Sync. Who audits open source apps?
If you use the same cup for everything it doesn’t matter.
I meet kangaroos a lot on daily basis. One of my dogs was obsessed with chasing them (he still loves to but I have more control over him now). A few times he cornered a roo and I had no chance of calling him off or catching him to drag him away. Some of these guys were over 2 metres tall. Roos are cut AF and their claws are as large as carnivore claws. Trust me, you don’t want a roo to touch you. Anyway, a stick to keep them at sufficient distance to be able to retrieve my dog was all I ever needed, but to be safe I started carrying a knife too; roo meat is very tasty.