No, it is true. US tried to stir up some trouble and it didn’t work. That is import to remember the people that dies because of US greed
No, it is true. US tried to stir up some trouble and it didn’t work. That is import to remember the people that dies because of US greed
Thr apartide government of the USA noted for the human rights abuses and forced labor
Actually the only reason Isreal can exists is US connections. So working here for them is part of the struggle
If it was me I would simply not die for a country thst didn’t appreciate me. Follow your bliss I guess tho
A vote for biden is a vote for trump
I am confused how you are eating avocado over there where it isn’t “meat” portion of a meal. Like, avocado toast here is a popular item. In that place the avocado is used where you would use a portion of meat or cheese. The other use is a condiment where it would be taking the place of a meat or dairy option.
At least here in America we have that tech pretty much perfected. Most fast food has a portion of the meat replaced with textured vegetable protein and no one knows or cares. For nearly any meat portion of a dish the tech is there to use a cheaper plant alternative. Steak is a hard one. However any kind of fried or breaded meat can be perfectly replaces.
I watch this one guy on YouTube sauce stash. His main gimmick is finding cool ways to cook vegetables so they come out like meat. His results are impressive really without much complicated work.
I mean, in that it is a fatty fruit we are using in in place of meat meaning that it is still an efficient use of farmland compared to cattle. I am from the southwest. We have a history of using avocados separate to the advertising wave
Yeah, you got me there that one is valid. After the revolution when all the hungry are fed and the cold are warm, then we can spend the time trying to help them grow and overcome whatever caused this. Until then however
But it is still less bad than other holidays.
Thr plant is native to South America. Dole sold them as Hawaiian so they could charge more. Same thing with dragon fruit. It is also south American but they gave it an Asian theme so it sounds fancy and they can charge extra. Really basically every good plant came from the America’s but we associate then with some fancier place. Tomatoes, Italy. Potatoes? Ireland. You and I both know if we called spaghetti Mexican fusion they wouldn’t be able to charge half what they do for it at the olive garden.
Letting go of the part of you that judges other people is important. It hurts, because that is one of the few avenues of control we can experience in our lives alienated by capitlaism.
Letting your self be free of those childish emotions and learning to replace them with love for your fellows is the path towards true happiness however. That is one of those weird tricks the government doesn’t want you to know. Except it is real and it works. The more negative you are about other people the more negativity you experience and the more treats you need to buy to survive. The heart of every true revolutionary is full of love.
It is a lie. Reject false happiness. Enjoy the community of helping your fellow worker.
Halloween is the only good holiday. It is the only one that maintains any connection to it’s pre modern roots. It is about giving candy to children for free fuck capitlaism. It is about enjoying everything society says is wrong. It requires some creativity in ways most people don’t get to experience the rest of the year. It invites experimentation and self expression.
Last time I saw any research about it down votes make people angry with eacother and fight. Which is good for Engagement if you want ad money. Bad for the culture though
Pineapples are south American. It’s a rascism thing
You have fallen for whatever marketing department propaganda this pineapple war is
You don’t eat avocado because it is healthy. You eat it because it is basically butter
I’ll push back on this maybe they were controlled by the ussr. However like, is thst not better than the alternatives. The local bourgeoisie were so good? Or the nazis? Or thr Americans? Sovereignty is a myth and mostly harmful to the citizens of places that have it. Like, what freedom does it bring people that their government can decide how to opress them?
If it were me I would simply not say the government was bad and avoid jail time. This really doesn’t seem so hard to me.
Hand check