If senator Schumer’s UAP Disclosure Act manages to pass you might find yourself with some reeeeal good memes within the next year!
If senator Schumer’s UAP Disclosure Act manages to pass you might find yourself with some reeeeal good memes within the next year!
Can confirm.
I didn’t say you could post about my life!
Same. I’ve really liked this feature in Mastadon.
There is a singular community I’ve been returning to Reddit for. Thankfully a (very) small subset has mograted here, but the day to day conversation just isn’t there. I definitely need to interact, comment, and post more on the community here though. Gotta help it grow and all that.
Hell no, HD is more than plenty for me.
I really wanted to like things like WebOS and Firefox OS, but here we are. Just never panned out.
Won’t argue with that. But I do like my Samsung devices. Won’t vouch for their (or any company, really) ethics tho.
They are. That’s all we buy for TVs. Monitors are great too. Have super fancy ones at work. Not that I go to the office much, because that place sucks.
One of the many reasons I will always set profiles to hidden anytime I create an account somewhere. My visibility should be null by default.
Don’t have caffeine? Top panel reaction is right
Honestly, it’s mostly my comfort using chromium browsers (specifically chrome) for dev. I know the Firefox dev tools are way better than they used to be, but that’s one more thing to sink time into when I could instead just get things done lol.
But, it’s about that time.
Ok, maybe that slowly bit is my problem. It always ends up lumpy. So, that’s gotta be it! Thank you!!
Gah, that’s it. Thanks. Haven’t seen it in a very very very long time.
Ok, so that guys face looks incredibly familiar but I just can’t place it. Somebody help me out. This feels distinctly early-mid 2000s.
Well, we sure do live in a society. Can’t really add much more than that.
It’s probably just me, but are rouxes and bechamels just like REALLY hard to get right? I fuck em up every time, so I refuse to make cheesey sauces by hand anymore.
Ok, hit me with your wildest opinion on this then…
Mild, medium, sharp, or extra sharp.
Then, on top of that do you prefer orange or white?
Now we’re getting deep. That’s the good stuff…
Up until that point, it sounds damn good tho.
Alkaline trio had a new single drop yesterday! So close to the full album!