One of the things I had to learn quick working in IT was when to amiably tell a user to go pound sand. I’m a professional with my own work to do, not your personal assistant.
One of the things I had to learn quick working in IT was when to amiably tell a user to go pound sand. I’m a professional with my own work to do, not your personal assistant.
Ootl. Did someone use the word that rhymes with lard?
You don’t need money. You need some of the things it can pay for.
Embrace the boredom
It has done wonders for my studying.
I tried using a vertical mouse for a while. Trying to click with it without the mouse moving at the same time made me want to throw the thing across the room. It causes you to grip it much harder than you need to grip a regular mouse which eliminates any ergonomic benefit it theoretically has. If you need ergonomics, focus on the basics like desk, chair, and monitor height.
Lol, “unnatural”
TIL the French Language Police is a thing
I regret purchasing Diablo III and with everything I’ve been hearing from people playing IV and what I’ve observed going into the game, I’m 95% sure I won’t enjoy it. It’s a fact that most twitch streamers playing IV abandoned it to play previous versions of Diablo. Connecting the dots isn’t hard and doesn’t require you to play the game.
Fuck sponges. I get a dopamine rush replacing my brush.
Genocide of millions of creatures. (Vampire Survivors)
There is actually speculation that he never intended to dump the files online for free. He was working on information research at the time.
Morrowind had an even better system that they kept dumbing down with each game. I chock it up to Bethesda being Bethesda by not wanting people to have the capability of breaking the magic system.
This isn’t about value for the taxpayer. It’s about power. It’s about keeping those peons in line.
Don’t be so cynical. Even SCOTUS forced Alabama to re-draw their maps. There’s only so much that the right can do to undermine everyone else’s authority.
If the off-election two years ago is any indication, the 'pubs are doomed. Presidential terms are 4 years but we hold elections for Congress every 2. The last one was in 2022 where everyone was predicting a “red wave” because usually the opposition to the party in the white house makes massive gains. The Republicans and their supporters were expecting to gain a majority in the Senate and they lost seats instead. They gained a majority in the house but only by a very slim margin. Definitely not the super majority they were expecting. This is unheard of in our nation’s history and it’s because the Republicans activated negative turnout. More and more people are becoming more interested in politics and it’s not because they like the Democrats, but because they really hate Republicans right now. You can thank SCOTUS taking away abortion rights for that. What little support women had for the Republicans is long gone after that decision. Don’t trust the polls or the Twitter spammers. The 'pubs are entering the dark ages and it’s all their doing.
I’ve been doing it for 12…
I literally work in tech configuring and troubleshooting servers all day. I wouldn’t really call it fun but it is fulfilling.
Maybe it’s because I lucked into a career that I can be content in but I would rather be employed than unemployed even if I was able to sustain myself through my unemployment. I’m happier if I have a job from which I can derive a sense of purpose and duty. If I was a multimillionaire, I would probably either volunteer or still be working.
Even in IT I find that with each consecutive job that I get, my wage increases while my workload decreases. I’m literally being paid more to do less. I don’t think it’s the same for all these professionals but I feel that once most people reach a certain level, they mentally retire from learning new things.