Shout out to pi-hole
Shout out to pi-hole
Yes, or Lenny users just in general
Edit: I’m not fixing it
First suggestion:
Women are the most vulnerable in the world and the most vulnerable are the most affected by the disease and the most likely to be affected by it is the people who are affected by it
Middle suggestion:
Women are not allowed in this world anymore because of their own personal preferences
What’s more reliable than NPR?
To be fair, there is a considerable amount of overlap.
This seems like an interesting game, one of many that I wish was remastered for the switch.
Is this game any good? Anyone remember it more than vaguely?
Butcher Block off Brighton near the old Pepsi factory?
So yea, I hear you. I pretty much exclusively listen to NPR for news, and they are pretty balanced if not potentially a little left leaning from time to time, which I actually find refreshing.
But when a measurable percentage of the country thinks fox is fair and balanced, or that FB is a news source, the ability for our free press to safeguard democracy is severely threatened.
What good is free press when there are no longer facts and everything is opinion based?
Paraphrasing Asimov, ‘There is a cult of ignorance which operates under the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is as good as your knowledge.’
When trump took a play straight out of the dictators handbook and started shouting fake news, I began to fear that this was the beginning of the end. The real beginning however was probably a few decades back when news went from dry and factual to sensationalist infotainment.
I have always felt that freedom of press was one of the most fundamental aspects of a working democracy. Without a free press, you cannot have proper checks and balances. Unfortunately, while press is still ‘free’, actual unbiased news gets only a small fraction of the viewership. Mainstream ‘news’ is nearly completely opinion driven, and profit is the incentive rather than the dissemination of information. The free press no longer serves its necessary function, there is no accountability, and democracy is at risk.
I actually had a pet moose named Sarah, but have never had a pet ant named Sarah so I can’t confirm this.
Thank you, I should have just kept pushing it further and further into absurdity.
The joke is that the meme has bad grammar, deer is plural. Rather than point out the obvious, I say that ant is plural, which is funny because it is both stupid, and draws attention to the deer/s. When my comment wooshes over heads, I follow it up with an even stupider comment, thinking that nobody could possibly be stupid enough to think that there is someone out there that thinks ant is a plural american english version of the British ‘ants’… and then I am once again astonished.
Well maybe I was referring to deer, and not ants. Humor is dead.
Maybe in the original British English it’s not, but in American English, ant is plural
It’s just Ant… you don’t have to put the ‘s’, ant is already plural
I doth hath no fukin idea what you two are talking about