Love the star trek memes. And like all things linux, i understand like 20% and the rest goes over my head
Love the star trek memes. And like all things linux, i understand like 20% and the rest goes over my head
This is true, but it would help incentivise the country to move away from fossil fuels.
Also worth noting this would drive up the prices of nearly all goods as well since shipping costs would rise.
There are good incentives for fuel subsidizes, but the goverment has failed at having stipulations to gonwith the subsidizes.
Personally, i think they should nationalize the fuel production industry. No one should get rich from a natural resource, especially one that is destorying the planet. Even more so since they have known about it for 70+ years and have been trying to cover it up.
You dont wana mess with zombie newton.
The problem IS the centralized authority. Can you forever trust a government to not artificially inflate or deflate the value of a currency? The whole point was to have a system with no single authority. No single point of failure.
It is, however, not perfect. The volatility, limited number of transacrions per second , and reliance on an incredible amount of energy expense were the largest of these when the original bitcoin concept was created. Some of these issues have solutions, but its still an evolving technology.
I viewed it as more of a donation to see the stupid meme on Nascar or other dumb sponsorships.
Its a few swings away from working pretty well in America, too.
Hold our beer real quick.
Its not an artificial distraction. It has real implications on how your car works. Just because you are not shifting, doesnt mean the car does not shift. The extra control allows a user more control of the vehicle. It does require more skill and practice, but has a higher performance ceiling. There is a reason race cars dont use automatic transmissions. The best race cars dont have a clutch, but the driver is still in control of every shift.
Forced attention and distractions are different. Driving stick is more attention on the act of driving itself. Look at the research for self driving cars and expecting the drivers to pay attention. Its nearly impossible to pay attention to something that takes less interaction. Honestly, if you lack the hand eye coordination and multitasking ability to drive stick, i pray you never try to change a radio station or turn up or down the heater in your car.
Shifting is just part of driving. It means you have to pay attention to speed, Rpm, and braking points. It just makes driving more engaging, which reduces distraction. It doesnt make driving easier. If anything it makes it harder. But the benefit is that it reduces complacency.
When i am driving. I am driving. Im not doing makeup, eating, messing with the radio, texting etc. Part of that is driving stick. It keeps you engaged in driving. Thats not to say its impossible to be a distracted driver in a manual, just that its easier to get distracted in an auto.
My biggest thing is that they make people pay more attention. I dont think better drivers drive stick, i think the stick makes YOU a better driver.
Less eating, drinking, phone holding, texting etc. You have to know speeds and rpms for which gears. It keeps me from speeding knowing this street is a 4th gear street. When i end up driving a auto car, i will often loook down and wonder how i got to the speed i am at, though that may also be due to the fact its not my car and im just not used to the sensation of speed.
On another note, i think on average manual trans are less prone to failure. I know alot of cars that have essentially been junked due to an auto trans problem, but a manual just needs a new clutch every one and a while. Though this might be less common on newer cars compared to 90’s and early 2000’s cars.
I mean… they were right… i am more conservative as i got older. I now put more money in my 401k. I save more. I eat at home more.
However, i still think other races and sexual preferences are human, and billionaires dont need to exist. Social welfare is still a good thing and probably more important than ever.
I did buy a gun though. Target shooting is fun. But, we need a hell of alot more gun control than there is now. If anything, my experience buying a gun made me more scared due to how easy it was.