Ask me about my Nobara System [ Shintel i7 4770HQ, Novideo 950m, 16GB DDR3-SDRAM ]
I also use mastodon, to review pictures of peoples buttholes
I knew things were rigged, when I saw the legally binding german rating board USK give it a 12+. This usually never happens, that PEGI gives a game a higher rating than the USK
Ok, just tell me how much I need to pay for all of that
appearance of happiness
I see now. That is holding me back by a lot.
If I know something from reddit, it is fuck Xavier and appreciate pakalu papito
What am I seeing? Asking for the visitor in my walls.
The man with the microphone is Shinichi Yokoyama, who in 2018 was the Chairman of the Judicial Affairs committee in Japanese Parliamen.
On December 8th, 2018, Japanese Parliament voted on a hotly contested immigration reform bill that allowed foreign workers a path to Japanese citizenship. The plan was put forth by then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe earlier that year and was opposed by Japan’s opposition party, as well as some in Abe’s right-wing base.
When Yokoyama attempted to move to hold a vote on the controversial bill, he was beset by members of Parliament who apparently wanted to stop him from moving forward with a vote, leading to the image of Yokoyama speaking into his microphone while dozens of politicians attempted to restrain him.
It should be noted that physical altercations are not exactly a rarity in Japanese Parliament, as the group has made headlines for what some have called “brawls” in both 2015 and 2023.
Oh hell no
Kiss your sister ( I am from alabama )
This one?
Diese sogenannte “Kuppel” ist ein großer QLED Bildschirm auf dem beliebig Regenbögen angezeigt werden können, sowie der Himmel verdunkelt, um die sogenannte “Nacht” einzuläuten. Das heißt wir leben in einer Simulation. Schachmatt!
Is this like the meme server as r/yurop was?
Certified Shitpost?
This is something a bot would say
How else should a blind man know how fast he is travelling?