First off, it’s a load of bullshit that Germany’s economy is tanking. Second, yeah it is kinda important, but it’s just a fucking stretch of slightly lower productivity after a massive increase due to catching up what was missed out on during Covid.
Fuck these alarmists. They just want the workers to maintain this bullshit productivity, which has sent many people into a burnout.
Mate, you should try some other hobbies. You’ve made hundreds of posts on this topic, yet I bet you haven’t got the slightest clue on what this entire conflict is about.
Let me tell you that I absolutely hate what is going on and I absolutely don’t think we should keep supporting Israel with weapons as long as they’re violating the Geneva convention. And there are plenty of Germans with the same mindset. But we also know it’s not a one-sided conflict.
I’ll go ahead and block your toxic ass. People like you like to be loud on the internet but won’t do shit in real life.
Perhaps you shouldn’t speak for >80 million people and rather refer to the government. But even then you’re full of shit. The weapons industry? Yeah, they’re a sick bunch of assholes. Loving genocides? Fuck off. Germany is one of the few countries owning up to their past mistakes.
Yah, they’re really nice. But them not folding up annoys me so goddamn much.they take up way too much space so I end up with them hanging around my neck all the time, which can become uncomfortable.
I’ll fight you if I catch you doing that in public. Might even murder you if I’m feeling cute.
The FDP is even worse in that regard.
I didn’t mean it from that point of view. It simply has nothing to do with climate issues. And it’s a controversial topic that can split the movement thus weakening it. She is the face of Fridays for Future after all.
Her dabbling in things like the Near-East conflict absolutely hurt her cause. It’s generally not a good idea to fragment something that you’re fighting for.
Conservative fuckfaces are trying to torpedo it. I fucking hate those people. Everything has turned to shit in the last couple of years. At least give me some weed .
I regularly have to work with them. They are worse than Hitler. Fuck ABI.
I have an iPhone for work and a pixel that I use privately.
There’s like one or two high quality apps on the iPhone that are amazing but that kinda sums up the positive aspects of the iPhone. I absolutely hate the user experience. Android is simply better at this.
But I do agree with you. They’re just bloody phones. Do people really still give a shit? I’m actually pretty sick of these phones. The pixel 7 Pro is the first phone that works the way I want it to and I’d like to simply keep on using this phone for the next 30 years if possible because I don’t want to spend any more money on these shitty rectangles.
So you know 3 nutjobs that believe the propaganda, good job mate. They may not be on Xitter, but I bet you they are on Telegram, where the worst of Xitter’s content is aggregated.
Russia is destabilizing the west by influencing people like you, which creates a divide. Ever heard of the term “divide and conquer”? It’s a pretty serious thing.
Just so you know, spez is the colossal dickhead CEO of Reddit, who fucked everything up and caused the Reddit exodus. This is a troll account.
Germany cracked down on anti-Semitism in the streets, which Germany is obligated to do and it’s also the only correct thing to do. And state-funded news is fairly neutral from what I was able to gather. Our politicians are kinda whack in all this. But they’ve been fighting each other for so long now, that nothing useful comes from them anymore. It’s almost like in the USA now.
Don’t the SUVs in Berlin get stolen within a couple of days anyway?
Edit: my brother who lives in Berlin got himself an SUV (Kia Sportage) and whenever he found a parking spot near his home, he’d leave it there for weeks because he was so happy to park near home. His car got stolen. Now he takes the U-Bahn to work and he’s actually happier than before. He got his money back for the stolen car, so there’s that.
Oh, so I guess the 15kWp on my roof that generated 14 MWh last year was just a dream then.
What went wrong in your life?