KDE is really neat once you realize its full potential. Sadly, I cannot send a screen as I’m nearly all out of data!
'98 | pan-AfroEuroAsian
KDE is really neat once you realize its full potential. Sadly, I cannot send a screen as I’m nearly all out of data!
Should be fine! I really like Arch and Garuda promises being gaming friendly so it should treat you well. :)
Comradeship from 'grad doesn’t get enough attention. It feels very cozy and homey.
I quit YouTube (you can delete your YouTube data without deleting the Google account btw) and I feel better. I couldn’t find anything interesting there for the love of me. I intend to binge cozy Minecraft letsplays on Odysee once I have Internet again. I really hate videos as a format. They have use, but they’re by far overused. I strongly encourage everyone to reject what companies want us to use, look inside and reflect on what you need and what brings you happiness, then abandon corporate, delete your data and thrive.
Is Big Brother watching my porn though?
Signal is irrelevant. It’s just an example. I can try Telegram or any other app.
I checked Nebula and it seems super empty.
So I can use one app I like and message or call anyone I need to reach without having to set up 10 accounts.
Odyssee I tried them ages ago and stopped, because of the crypto stuff and lack of content interesting to me. I quit YouTube a while ago so I’ll give them another try. :)
I prefer Signal to Whatsapp. IDC about Whatsapp having my data. The point is choosing the app which most suits your needs and wants.
I doubt the people who already commented will read that, but if you live in another country than the people you contact, you have to pay extra for calls and SMS. That’s the sole reason I use Whatsapp. I cannot afford not to. The only people I’ve ever met who don’t use it are some Asians who use some Kakao app instead.
Their store is abhorrent to navigate last I tried it. And no Linux default client. A no from me. They don’t want me so they won’t have me.
I’m glad you’re speaking up. This isn’t a black and white situation. Sometimes I’d travel by plane to a surgery or from one, was already in a lot of pain and sensitive and having a child scream through it all gave me panic attacks. When I’m on my best, I don’t mind but I’m disheartened by the absolute disregard people attacking those who speak up against children on planes have towards people with misophonia, whatever it may be induced by. Idk where those people get noise canceling earphones and earplugs to have the noise of children screaming non stop next to you be blocked by them.
Yes, as long as there’s charges for sending stuff to other countries, we are stuck with WhatsApp. :/
deleted by creator
I quit YouTube not long ago. Highly recommended. :)
Magic. Don’t let mage apologists gaslight you.
I have one but I don’t like it tbh. Pfps are hard to get right due to the curvature and smallness.
I’m not left handed, but it’s my bday so feel free to hold my left hand to celebrate the day. :3
Meat is gross. You can taste the flesh decay and blood. I was literally forced to eat it as a child because it was so puke inducing. And I’m not talking about home made. This isn’t even to mention the texture of tendons and veins inside. I swear meat addicts need to be checked. Something must be off to be OK with all this.