To be fair i learnt cursive and i can still not decipher most of it, even my own writing (or rather especially my own writing)
To be fair i learnt cursive and i can still not decipher most of it, even my own writing (or rather especially my own writing)
I wonder how the western media that was spurring transphobe vile, would have covered the story if she was an American or White European.
Shouldn’t you be able to get away with two 2n bit adders and recursion?
1,45 m human or 2,15m human?
Looking at the past 4000 years of human history, starting with the Egyptian Pharaohs:
Nope. People dont care, people dont learn. Especially when the make a whole display of how much they learned, like Germany does, you should be worried. Behind the facade lies the fascism, like it is currently furthered by most German political parties.
“Weird phase for tech” is a nice euphemism for “knows what casettes are, but didn’t have to put them into computers anymore.”
I agree though that it is crazy. I remember it being a big thing for teenagers being 14,15 when i was 7 or 8 to get their own mobile phone. The kids born in 2001 onwards often had their first smartphone at 8 or 9
Which formative years? Everything until 25 is quite formative.
Don’t you have a mortgage to pay off? Hush hush to work, and leave the internet to us. Doesn’t matter if you were in some usenet mailing groups already, when most people couldn’t type on a keyboard.
Also i would expect banks to use some sort of 2FA where you have to manually confirm any transaction on your mobile device, or enter a code generated from there into your computer.
They managed to procreate successfully. Can you say the same about yourself?
Thank you. Now i learned why Revolver handles are curved as opposed to straight like pistol or rifle handles.
For someone who has no physical experience with guns. Would the problem be the recoil kicking the gun into your face or would you break your hand? What kind of injury would you expect from this?
Your life has to be extremely messy, to not just know which part of the day you are in. For knowing what time it is, 24h is unneccesary. For communicating time it makes sense.