I didn’t read super intelligence into it, I read overdoing and I found that it struck home. I don’t know math either, but if I did, I would have done the same calculation.
I didn’t read super intelligence into it, I read overdoing and I found that it struck home. I don’t know math either, but if I did, I would have done the same calculation.
Blame game stage? Perhaps? My view is that there are few innocents, but the terminology and discourse is very strict in it’s perspective.
Same as any other discrimination. There is always one part that has it worse, but it is never a one way street. Perhaps easiest to see with age, where each age group has their resentments against the others. Both are equally generalisations, though. Equally wrong.
Ok, so you link texts that say that women (as well as feminism, obviously) can be just as sexist as men, yet you take affront to my pointing out that the terminology used is sexist?
Which part of it is it that you have such a hard time coming to terms with? That women, by default, is not always the victim, or is it that men is not always the perpetrator? These terms you use to defend the sexism in feminism is getting in the way of what needs to be done.
That’s not your fault, you’ve been ingrained with it. The fact that you need an A-level university course to be able to make the mental gymnastics needed to understand such language without revolting speaks for its own. Or how was it you phrased it “get you started on the path…”
A term inherently sexist to supposedly describe something else. Trying to shift responsibility. Sorry, that is gas lighting. You can have one, but not both. Chose and let your choice speak for which part of the problem you are on.
As if this is somehow down to “patriarchy”? It takes two to tango! Denying the role of women in the shaping of someone’s ability to handle and process emotion is really a disservice to anyone who wants equality between sexes. Blaming others is not the way to change.
Ugh… I got to try those buttons the other day. Might work in an intersection. Horrible in a roundabout!!! No wonder nobody use them!
It’s because BMW doesn’t top up the indicator fluid as standard during service.
Thanks. At first i read Danish, but that wasn’t easier to understand, colorwise.
Oh… There is another month until the solstice. It will get worse before it gets better.
My sincerest condolences.
I’m itching for a shovel, though…
It’s a bit like Maslows hierarchy of needs. First we need food and water and plumbing. When we are secure in those needs, society can take the next step. But the basis of security must be there before advancement
Yes! The importance of craftsmen is hard to overstate😀 Along with a few others, of course!
That’s not a straight line, although it is possible to follow without changing direction😊
And before that it was Moo2 and before that civ. First was reading a book till morning, though.
There’s nothing as lovely as sunrise in July, and nothing worse than waking up for it!
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