Whoops, slipped on that genocide by mistake again! I always trust the word of murders, they make their intent so clear!
Who doesn’t like pizza?
Detroit style pizza ride or diester.
Whoops, slipped on that genocide by mistake again! I always trust the word of murders, they make their intent so clear!
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
3 out of 5 doth still make it a genocide. That law.
Glad I could help you!
A bucket it is then!
To be clear, I said it was people from the UN, not the entire UN. I’d preferably like to listen to the experts warning about a genocide rather than see if the world comes together to condemn it after the fact.
What is happening in Gaza is horrors that we can not even imagine.
Sure, was just genuinely curious if you’d call it that! Though it may come as a surprise I’ve encountered similar language quite a lot lately and wanted to gauge your stance.
I appreciate the thorough reply. Genuinely.
Seven people that work for the UN is not the UN? Who is an acceptable source from the UN then? Do you have anyone specific in mind? Is genocide a matter of opinion to you?
Sure, let me redress. You’re saying there’s a problem between Islam and Democracy correct? So what kind of solutions do you think there are to that incompatibility? Is this an Islam problem, or a religion in government problem?
I personally don’t think religion has any place in government. So that would be the more existential issue for me, in terms of compatibility.
The people who marched on this “protest” are just awful, hateful and terribly dumb people who deserve no support and all the criticism. But not everyone protesting because of the current situation with Israel is therefore automatically doing it for awful reasons.
So you’d put them all together? Say in a bucket?
That’s an interesting number. How did you arrive at it? Why ex-muslim, if you don’t mind me asking?
What about these UN guys? Them Too?
“We remain convinced that the Palestinian people are at grave risk of genocide,” the group of experts, made up of seven U.N. special rapporteurs, said in a statement.
Nice try? Huh?
Where is there any bad faith there? If you don’t feel like talking that’s fine but at least flesh out your opinion to demonstrate it’s validity.
You said there was a general problem with Muslims that you saw? If it’s general, and attributable, why would you not call it that? Are there other larger problems that you see with Muslims that you think are even more attributable and deserving of the title?
So you disagree with the people from the UN that called it a “textbook case of genocide”?
Isn’t Egypt the only border accepting evacuees? I missed it, is Israel evacuating the injured Palestinian civilians somewhere internally now? Who are Palestine’s “friends”, are they helping the humanitarian situation in some way?
That’s concerning… Who would you consider the most existential terrorist threat at the moment and why? Do you not believe there should be a separation of church and state? Is that an exclusively terrorist goal? What is a key wedge issue these terrorists use (so that we can all be more aware!) and how do they make it permanent?
Interesting. Would you call it the “Muslim problem” ?
Could you name me a fascist Muslim nation? I looked it up and strangely couldn’t find any…
Whats Egypt doing? Is it also a genocide?
The pizza as medicine makes it too real.
I recognize those dead, glazed over eyes! They look like mine. Oh…
lol, sure puddin