4 months agoGave it a serious try for a solid week, I cannot get pass the forced vertical tab design. Everything else was great and it would have become my main browser otherwise.
The sad thing is even if they added the option for horizontal tabs in the future I would not come back because of the inflexible forcefulness of the vertical design even after ton’s of requests from the community for a horizontal option makes me feel like the dev’s have a “my way or the highway” attitude that would bite me again in the future.
Apparently we have all fragged each other at some time in the past because 14+ years ago I used to live on the AssaultCube servers, I was in competing clans and an admin on dozens of servers. Good times, I miss them.
But AssaultCube was just the frag scene at that time, before that it was DoD and before that it was the granddaddy of them all Team Fortress, not the modern TF2, the original that was included on the Half-Life 1 CD, that community was huge and very family like, does anybody here remember the website/community TheVille?
To answer OP’s question, your only luck for real live human players (not bots) and non-cheaters is to find a small community of die-hards as mentioned above. If they don’t let you in after proving to them your not a Llama then they are A-holes anyway and not worth your effort.