We live during a critical point in history, and I am determined to laugh at it
History. My grandfather bought it 70 years ago. It’s an old school house… That he actually went to school in. He died it too.
Besides that, we still have family and generations of friends we still know and love in nearby.
It’s located on an Unesco site on the bay de chaleur. It’s not worth a lot either. Im pretty sure I’d be trading down if I bought another place. I doubt I’d find a spot that beautiful.
Anyway, the drive is stunning and it doesn’t bother me.
Canadian here. I drive 4 times a year to my family cottage 8 hours away.
Paper straws are everywhere where I live I’ve also seen sugar cane and pasta stir sticks.
I got my wife her dream ring with synthetic stones. Her idea.
The French eat Saurkraut with a bunch of different types of sliced up sausage and bacon. Like just in a bowl. I’ve always thought it was weird.
That oligarchy already has plans to intercept the great wealth transfer that supposed to happen when all the boomers die.
De-horn it and slap it with a hot frying pan.
I’ll get the lube
Nailed it. This is my new motto.
Do they do anything that’s not evil?
Rember when Cobain wrote “rape me” becuase he had to hit people in the head with the message because the song “polly” went right over it?
Hail Mojo!
Did you know Little Steven Van Zandt coined the phrase “outlaw county” for and, IMO saved country music.
I don’t think modern country even uses metaphors anymore. Before anyone comes at me, I’m well awair that there’s some fantactic country writers out there.
Until the rampant greed gets under control globally this will never change. It’s always been there but shit is turned up to 11 the past few decades.
I love civil disobedience. Go break shit.
You think aliens are homophobic?