I use Firefox but isn’t edge considered a solid lightweight browser now?
I use Firefox but isn’t edge considered a solid lightweight browser now?
It’s about blood flow. Your nose is not only filled with mucus, it’s also inflamed. Prioritizing blood flow to other parts of your body will temporarily alleviate that swelling, allowing you to breath again. Light exercise works just as well.
Imagine you wanted children and then someone would come along and castrate you because there’s a problem with overpopulation. You take away an individaul’s choice of reproduction for the greater good. And it makes sense, but the lack of consent or even understandment does not sit well with me.
You’re anthropomorphizing animals too much. Cats don’t “want” children. Beyond a basic biological need they don’t give a shit about procreation. It’s not even a difficult question, ethically speaking. In almost every environment they exist in cats are considered invasive, reproduce like crazy, and tend to be incredibly destructive to local species. To be clear, I don’t think there is anything wrong with owning a cat, but it’s important to do so responsibly.
Also if you insist on buying COD, please don’t make me pay extra for it to be included on game pass. I don’t want that shit.
Fucking hell I miss the 2000s/10s.
I don’t like this being a focal point, but I think it’s worth asking if you don’t mind: what is your income like? Reality being what it is, that can make a measurable difference.
Just do them at the same time. Fold your clothes on the couch then transfer to drawers/closet.
Everyone on lemmy is a bot except for you.
RIP Mitch Hedberg
In this specific instance I would say the distinction matters as the critical point of this discussion is the deity.
Isn’t it more cringe to have an imaginary friend as an adult?
What about it?
These people are ridiculous. They want to gaslight people who have to drive into thinking we’re bad people and when we call them out on the fact that there is no public transit infrastructure built they’re just like “well all people have to do is build the infrastructure!” Bitch where? And who? And how do we make them? And with what money? I’m so sick of hearing “you should drive a smart car because it makes sense for my DINK ass and I know what’s best”. My home is in an ocean of suburbia. They gonna just bulldoze a whole swath of homes to install a rail? They’ve been talking about installing a rail from DFW to Austin/Houston for the past 40 years and there was even room for it once upon a time. You can’t just say the magical solution is to just “build trains”. We don’t love our cars, these fuckcars people are just lunatics. As you point out the vast majority of them are almost certainly children. The rest are fortunate enough to have never experienced a place with poor public transit.
You’re missing the point that people buy new cars while their old car is perfectly good.
Edit: I see now that you are saying people buy new cars to replace a perfectly good old car. This is true, and also not your decision to make for other people. I also don’t see what that has to do with anything beyond new vehicle production, which EVs don’t fix.
Most cars will run for hundreds of thousands of miles with standard maintenance, which people neglect to do.
Retrofitting electric solutions to existing cars would further extend their life, as the low work-life components are all in the drivetrain.
Do you know where to get this work done in your town? I don’t. I live in an enormous metropolitan area so the service is almost certainly available, but I wouldn’t even know how to start looking. And what about people in rural areas? You think it’s available there? Or if it is where it can be found? This would be the accessibility I was talking about earlier.
I outlined what a two wheeled electric solution should be because you dismissed the entire sector as death traps, which is wrong and counter productive.
A motorcyclist is 25-30 times more likely to die in a fatal accident. So you’re just wrong about that. And unless you’re an automotive designer your two wheeled electric solutions are just pipe-dreams until someone actually commercializes one.
I feel like I’m coming off as being against EV when I am very much not. In fact I wish that mass transit was actually a practical solution everywhere, but it isn’t. I wish that we could just leave combustions in the past but we aren’t quite there yet.
I know for certain that you’re coming off as an asshole who thinks he has all the answers but clearly you don’t because I don’t see your two-wheeled ev wonder car being advertised.
When people like you show up and start saying things like “the solution to climate change is for everyone else to ride bikes and use technology that doesn’t exist yet”, the only thing you’re really doing is making the rest of the movement look more radical than it has to.
So if rural people aren’t maintaining their vehicles, what are they doing? Obviously they are and you’re being silly.
So what the fuck are you talking about then? Either you’re implying that existing vehicle lifespans should be extended beyond what normal care allows through “maintenance” or it’s irrelevant to the conversation.
I won’t bother quoting the rest of your comment but the same question applies. What are you even talking about? Nobody said anything about engineering hurdles or the difficulties of an electric two wheeled vehicle.
You got so caught up in being “right” you forgot what the discussion was even about. I’ll break it down.
Two. Wheeled. Solutions. Are. Not. Universally. Practical. Quit trying to assume you know what’s best for everyone.
What about living rurally stops you from
maintaining or retrofitting current vehicles
Cost, accessibility, and vehicles don’t last forever.
or going two wheels?
If you’re talking about motorcycles, they are basically death traps and many people aren’t comfortable on them. If you’re talking about bicycles, they are basically death traps and people don’t always want to exercise to get where they’re going and rural areas are by definition sparsely populated, bikes would take forever Neither of those offers options for families or bad weather.
Like it or not personal vehicles are a necessity in most of America.
Afraid you’re wasting your breath. OP appears to be a member of fuckcars, which feels like it’s coming from a good place but is mostly just short-sighted and infantile. I live in DFW and not having a vehicle is not an option, but these folk would classify me alongside the devil because I dare to use a combustion engine. If I could realistically use an electric vehicle I would.
I’m sure that in OPs mind everyone should just abandon their cars tomorrow and that will immediately solve all of the climate change as if private vehicle owners are the ones actually causing the problem in the first place.
Straight chillin.