Well its day 0 now since you technically used them in this meme even if it was only the words
Well its day 0 now since you technically used them in this meme even if it was only the words
You just used hate speech becausw you said it was stupid and we now decided thats hateful. you will be fined 50euros.
Needing to ask your boss so he can ask his boss so he can ask his boss so he can verify if you can sharpen your pencil
Good news you have another 14 years guaranteed. Bad news it wont get better during that time
Yeah for a lot of files you probably would sort by year in the end
I want a pickup truck because they are very aestetichally pleasing to me
Mother tell the children not to check the temps. Tell the children not to read my books what they mean what they say.
Sorry i read Danzig so I though of the band
Rule34.xxx for the main one Ypu also got rule34.paheal.net but the tagging sucks there
Well it means able to perceive or feel things
Sheep are sentient. You probably mean sapient.
Retard and removed. Unless you wrote removed
I think you just got censored
I dont think I understand your last point
Either way not everyone shares american values or definitions when it comes to words
The egg since eggs existed long before the first chicken. Since the question does not specify it HAS to be a “chicken egg” just egg
Nah last one grab by neck lift up the body tuck it under arm and you got free dinner
Saying you cant say a word purely based on skin color is text book racism because ti discriminates on skin color race and ethnicity. Also saying that anyone using ut just want to be edgy or offensive is also a bad take since they might just not have american culture values
Is there a better lemmy server that dont censor words like snowflakes? It makes it hard to have genuine dialogues
The sheep might be an oof depending on context. But seems fine otherwise. They seem happy
What I do when im trying to learn a language is caveman it. Me hungry eat food. As long as im understood it works then over time that sentence will evolve to I am feeling hungry I would like to eat some food