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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Meh, that’s kind of the point, no? Seems like it would be more jarring to only federate at the community level, as you either a) still have to interact with people from the unwanted instance or b) deal with randomly hidden comments from that instance. If the community dies because it’s on an unpopular instance, well, that’s the way it goes. Can always start up/join a community on another instance that’s federated with yours.

  • using a devastating neurological diseases as an insult, is wrong, but using it a a reason that he shouldn’t run a country is fair.

    If it’s a disease he’s suffering from, which is not something I’m confident of. The image above chooses a particular representation of the posture caused by the disease that happens to match, but it is far from a fully representative expression of that symptom. The behavioral symptoms listed are likewise picked specifically for their fitness to Trump, and a brief search doesn’t show any descriptions of the disease that go into that much detail about the associated behavioral issues. That’s all to say, it’s a meme, not a fact.

    fair. Also, is he trying to make his Poor judgement, Loss of Empathy, Socially Inappropriate Behavior, Lack of Inhibition, Inability to Concentrate or Plan, Frequent Abrupt Mood Changers, Speech Difficulties, and Memory Loss hang in a more flattering way?

    All perfectly valid reasons to deem him unfit for office, so why make up more? This and comments on his (or anyone’s) appearance only distract from the multitude of very valid issues with him. I mean you only need a video of him speaking to see that he vomits verbal diarrhea at every opportunity and only cares about himself, why do we need to assign it to some malady?

    Were I to believe that most people spreading this actually thought he had some form of dementia, then fine, that’s a valid reason to call him unfit. But I don’t believe that, and it sets a poor precedent going forward to call attention away from his open bigotry and genuinely horrific policies to bring up these invented illnesses that aren’t actually going to change anyone’s mind. It only serves as an insult to make people who already dislike him feel better and give his supporters and fence-sitters more reason to ignore factually founded opposition. Look forward to this for every election.

    I mean all you really have to do is post quotes right from the horse’s mouth. If those don’t speak to his issues, nothing will.

    Don’t forget when Romney got beat. Romney, hey. Did you see his? I wonder if he enjoyed his flight in last night. But when Romney got beaten, you know, he stands up like you’re more typical, “Well, I’d like to congratulate the victor.” The victor? Who is the victor, Mitt? “I’d like to congratulate.” They don’t go and look at the facts. No, I don’t know. He got, he got slaughtered. Probably, maybe it was OK, maybe it was. But that’s what happened.

  • One rather infamous case of Queerbaiting was with the BBC’s Sherlock. Watson and Sherlock have been a popular couple for decades and the show played around quite a bit with the idea. There’s lots of essays on YouTube and the net about it if you want to dig into the details, but there are many jokes in the show about Watson and Sherlock being a couple, and hints that Sherlock at least is gay/bi. The running gag is Watson repeatedly telling people he isn’t gay, but he still seems jealous of other characters who have eyes for Sherlock.

    All of this seemed to pretty deliberately play into the popularity of the pairing, with even a few nods to it in the show. But in the end, nothing came of it, and fans felt that they had been “baited” into watching and driving the popularity of the show without any payoff. In hindsight, the whole relationship had only been used as a joke and a lure, which was especially galling since representation of homosexuality in mainstream entertainment was still fairly rare. Thus did it receive the label of “Queerbaiting”.

    Now for an example of something that’s not queerbaiting (though it was sometimes referred to as such) we have Steven Universe. The short version is that there was a popular pairing between two female characters in the show, and one could easily assume they were an item since they lived together and were generally only seen with each other after a certain point in the show. However, their relationship was never officially confirmed and there were hints from an artist/writer of the show that they hadn’t been allowed to be as explicit as they would’ve liked about it.

    So what makes this not queerbaiting? The biggest defense against the label is the context that Steven Universe as a whole was a very LGBTQ±friendly show, featuring the most explicitly gay couple in the channel’s history with two of the main characters. It also had a litany of other gay relationships and LGBT+ individuals. Further, the contentious couple was never officially disproven in the “it was all a joke!” sense of the previous example, it was just left open to interpretation. In total, it’s clear the show wasn’t using the couple purely as marketing and that the creator did genuinely care about LGBTQ+ representation.

    In summation, queerbaiting isn’t just “the gay couple I wanted didn’t happen.” There has to be a deliberate effort on behalf of the showrunners to keep people watching by heavily hinting at a payoff that will never come.