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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • It’s a really good video. He did a very good job putting words to my thoughts too, I’ve struggled to say why I don’t like AI beyond “it’s not very good at things”, but as he touches on in the video, that is only one small part.

    I was also very surprised by the 3% statistic, I think I watch nearly everything from my subscriptions, the recommended is either completely useless from whatever the algorithm has decided I want or showing me videos I intentionally didn’t watch.

    I went and followed him on Mastodon, and in that thread learned you can just add a channel to an RSS feed by using the link to their channel. I’m sure that’s old news to some, but as I already use an RSS app, I’m going to start switching over I think.

  • You should totally give it a try sometime if you’re feeling up to it and have a multi speed bike. It’s really hard the first time, but so much of the challenge is mental hurdles like feeling tired, balance when you’re going slow, and shifting. The physical challenge is a lot less than you might think.

    I accidentally opted into a really tough commute a few years ago (~400ft ascent which is about 122m) and it was really challenging at first but it’s amazing how fast you can improve.

    I also bought an ebike. They are incredible for days you aren’t feeling well or need to grab extra groceries. Good luck with your conversion project! I bet you’ll love it

  • I don’t think you’re going to find peer reviewed studies on something that happened a month ago, but I would be very sure to say someone is working on it.

    But if you’ve used Twitter you can recognize when something changes. I haven’t used it for years, but secondhand I’ve heard it was pretty egregious. Obviously this could be due to external parties heightening a disinformation campaign, but I’m not sure that really matters.

    American social media platforms creating an environment where propaganda and misinformation flourish and refusing to take action against it has the same net effect as TikTok altering internal algorithm. Arguing that somehow TikTok is worse because it’s a foreign government is nonsense when every social media platform is manipulated by foreign governments to the same effect.

    Doesn’t help the US government just keeps saying “trust us bro, we have reports that say China is spying on us” while they threaten to ban one platform. Nobody trusts that, it looks like a witch hunt, and sounds racist when they single them out this way.

  • To be clear, the EU developing an operating system for EU use is not a dystopian vision without assuming many things about the theoretical future project. The petition is asking for this for transparency and independence from an actual dystopian vision coming to fruition in a ‘forced’ Windows standard. That doesn’t really lead me to imagine a dystopian nightmare where the EU forces everyone to install their distro (A potentially comical vision on its own).

    I rather like the idea that governments contribute to open source projects, sounds a lot better than the same contribution going to private institutions. The use of open source software may introduce some vulnerabilities, but those are replacing vulnerabilities that are already there. I would also imagine investment in some open source projects would encourage more development in adjacent areas, much like Valve, Proton, and gaming.

    I would be interested to hear what alternative you have to solving the problems that the project in this petition is attempting to solve. It’s easy to shoot down something for not being perfect but it’s pretty challenging to come up with a theoretical proposal that pleases all.

  • I had a very similar experience but just kinda glumly stuck with the broken experience in that in between, and just played what I could get to work. But now with proton, specifically the ge version, there’s isn’t a game that I can’t play (that I have wanted to play). It’s pretty amazing how quickly the changes and improvements to gaming on Linux have come.

    I also have an AMD system now, which might be a big part of why it’s so painless now.

  • I don’t think that the last part is true. Community justice (even) in our broken society doesn’t really favor the powerful. The gut reaction I see is to help the underdog in a situation, not the oppressor. Sometimes an individual read of a situation can be complicated, leading to mistaken outcomes, but the intent is to end the negative situation.

    Tangentially that makes me think about the difference in intent. A group of people expelling a bigot from a train is that group trying to fix a bad situation, let the oppressed person know they are not alone, and to let the oppressor know that are not welcome there with that behavior. The police may also kick someone off the train but their actions are punative, they exist to enforce a heiarchy and punish, they aren’t there to help the oppressed feel like they aren’t alone, and they are only letting the oppressor know that they aren’t welcome there, but as long as the cops aren’t nearby it’s ok.

    As for structuring a more just society, we could imagine one without the implicit power imbalances, one without an arbitrary heiarchy of authority figures dictating right vs wrong. I know it sounds like I’m describing anarchy (I am) but also kinda a democracy? Like everyone gets a say to make decisions, and a group of equals decide together how to live their lives. Breaking down our current heiarchies to get there is the hard part, obviously, and I think it’s a generations long societal struggle. Hopefully we all live more justly than our parents until we arrive somewhere better than where we left.

    Sorry this was very stream of conciousness, I hope my thoughts came across somewhat effectively.

  • The Americas are, as a continent, the site of mass genocide at the hands of Europeans. The intent was to eliminate the native peoples and their cultures, and this intent is both clear and the genocide is ongoing.

    This is the big stick philosophy you say you support, it commits atrocities on other human beings in the name of expansion, extraction, and recognition, and unfortunately the philosophy dominates many of our ways of life.

    That doesn’t mean it’s good, or right, or that it is the only way. We should hold ourselves to the standard we want to live by so we can break the cycles of abuse, and we should talk to each other and educate one another so we can deliver the best version of ourselves.

    Consider that not all people have always lived with modern ideas of property, nations, and hierarchy. These are, in the grand scheme of human history, pretty insignificant when faced with the vast array of societies and beliefs shared by people over thousands of years. All that is to say domination is not inevitable or necessary, we can choose to do otherwise and all be better off for it.

  • Their coffee tastes the way it does because of how they roast it, it’s a purposeful style thing (that tastes terrible and is horribly overpriced imo).

    Their roasts are also darker than they say. Everything they have is dark roast, with their ‘blond’ coming in closer to a medium.

    People go nuts over the sugar, caffeine and perceived status, it has nothing to do with the taste of the coffee. As a fellow black coffee drinker, my recommendation is to avoid Starbucks unless you happen to be near a union store where the coffee is guaranteed to taste more like freedom, but still like ashes soaked in oil.

    In case you want more details: The way coffee roasting works is you move beans around in a real hot container, and you try to keep them to a specific point on a temperature graph at each moment as they roast. A different roaster would roast them a bit slower, but Starbucks just blasts those beans with everything they have, then they don’t stop until the beans are burnt. This gives them their “signature taste”. This is largely because of Howard Shultz, the guy who drove the company to be a cafe, and until recently the CEO. That’s his preferred coffee taste and that’s what he demands the company makes.

  • Unfortunately it’s really hard to know for most of early history because people didn’t write down or tell stories about that mundane stuff. We do have lots of documentation from colonizers in North America as they interacted, observed, and tried to convert the native peoples though.

    I’d recommend looking to the great lakes region in the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest reaching down to northern California since the Europeans wrote a lot about them. Some people had slaves and owned property and some did not, and some built their society around a system of social capital, where collectively being good to each other was a way to pay each other back for wrongdoing.

    It’s honestly absurd how many different ways people lived before us, and presumably, will after us.

  • I recently read about a system used by some groups in North America (I think, geography could be off) where people were held accountable by independent arbitration and a cultural expectation of reparations.

    It’s hard to say how well it worked, the Europeans were idealizing the “exotic natives” and the communities were proud of their community and could have exaggerated it’s success. But they did this for a long time.

    From what I understand, if I robbed your home, made off with your dog, and in the process hurt your mother, my direct community of family and friends would meet with your direct family and friends and hash out a way to make things better. My family and I might be on the hook to return the things I took, help you with repairing some clothing, and should you or your family need help for a period of time we would be obligated to help. If we couldn’t come to an agreement someone else from the community who was not involved would come to help decide.

    Obviously this is primarily focused on preventing these things from happening in the first place. I don’t want my friends and family to be indebted to others, and through helping your friends and family, we might end up closer, making whatever caused the problem less likely to occur again.

    As to how exactly we do such a thing today, thats tough. We have many complicated societal problems that make many feel disconnected from everyone around them. One thing is for sure though, police do not prevent crime, they do not solve crimes, and they sure don’t police evenly. We desperately need to try something different, and maybe a first step, in a weird way, is trying to connect with the people around you.

  • I’m with you in parts, but some products are definitely made to a lower standard than they should be. There’s reasons why they are made to that low standard (money for shareholders being the primary motive in most cases), but that doesn’t excuse the waste they are creating and the bad situation they are placing on consumers.

    We are faced with a false choice, choose either cheap and disposable or expensive and repairable. Most don’t have the money right now to afford the repairable option and then take the more expensive in the long term disposable route. This keeps more money flowing to the company, and it keeps the consumer unable to buy the better option.

    In the past there was not a disposable option, perhaps not an option at all, and the base cost was higher, but consumers had more money to buy things with. People also made more money than they do now relative to cost of living. There was also a member of the family at home sewing clothes and cooking meals, that’s a lot of free labor. I deep dove into budgets from 1914 and sears catalogs but it’s perhaps too much for this (though it was interesting).

    I’ll close with an example about clothes dryers (USA). They are incredibly simple appliances, they are made up of a rotating drum, a blower, a heater, and a control system for timing and temperature selection (basically another timer). In older models this did not break often, and when it did it was standard parts and quick labor and it’s working for another 5-10 years. Newer designs have proprietary parts and chips that change from year to year. This means if your chip breaks you’re done and you need a new appliance. The chip doesn’t bring much new function to the appliance, and it certainly isn’t anything that couldn’t be done with an off the shelf part.

    The difference is things were designed to be repaired before and now they aren’t. We can still design things that way but we choose not to. There’s no huge extra cost associated with a replaceable battery or an off the shelf control chip, companies just choose to push disposable because it makes more money. That push is bad for people and bad for the environment, and to combat it we can buy repairable, but we should also push back on companies trying to make a quick buck and support right to repair where we can.