I don’t think Lemmy is ready to hear that kind of thing.
I don’t think Lemmy is ready to hear that kind of thing.
Ok, the fact that you honestly believe this is how legitimate newsrooms work is both deeply disheartening and an indication of how little the average person knows about the news business.
Editors decide what gets published, not the editorial board which is an entirely different and unrelated body that traditionally has zero contact with the content side of things. In the business we say that there is a “firewall” between the editorial board and actual news content. The NYT or WaPo would have mass resignations of their reporters if either of their editorial boards tried to influence content.
Ownership is a bit different and obviously --as we know from the Murdoch empire-- can influence content, but in traditional operations they’ve always been very hands-off. It’s a fact, for example, that Jeff Bezos doesn’t care what the WaPo publishes and has no interest in it beyond as a business concern.
Editors do have control over content, but overwhelmingly they are concerned with doing a good job and furthering their careers and professional reputations. You’re completely misunderstanding the incentive structure in mainstream news media. Outside of the extremist advocacy journalism ecosystems --mostly but not only on the far right-- no one has any incentive to push an agenda and risk ruining their career by getting something important wrong.
I believe you are the one who is confused and making unwarranted assumptions here.
I don’t know how it is for you, but when I look back at 24-year-old me, I am not impressed. I guess what I’m saying is that there are a lot of us who definitely don’t have their shit together when they’re 24. They say your prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed until 25 at the earliest, but I feel like it was closer to 30 for me. Granted, I’m kind of a dummy anyway, so this probably doesn’t apply to everyone.
There’s a bit of a learning curve, but just be cautious at first and you’ll figure it out. It’s not rocket science. Also don’t use dull blades as that’s an easy way to cut yourself. Fortunately they’re dirt cheap.
Congratulations on writing the most pompous, pretentious and condescending pile of shit that anyone is likely to see all week. Get over yourself.
I’ve played both electric and acoustic (and bass and banjo) for 35+ years and none of this makes any sense to me either. I suspect it may be an age issue.
As an Oregonian I took an embarrassingly long time to figure this out.
There’s a lot of Americans that have been bamboozled by the auto industry. Canadians and Mexicans too. Big American trucks are a status symbol in a lot of Mexico. It just shows how effective advertising can be. Basically they are selling a kind of identity or self-image.
This is how democracies die. Fascists come to power when their opposition fractures. I’m not telling you what to do, I’m just telling you how it is. Choose wisely.
You are how democracies die.
Because depending on what exactly one means when they say it, it’s arguably true that it is in fact the oldest extant liberal democracy, that’s why. There are a lot of potential objections, many of which are perfectly valid, but I’m not here to defend the proposition, I am simply telling you why people say it.
Ok guy.
Ok. And your point is? Not voting isn’t going to do shit. You are not going to change the system by not participating. That’s a losing strategy.
Because it’s a stupid fucking reason not to vote and it’s a misrepresentation of the post itself. You can’t get much more idiotic than that.
Nothing beats cannister for your truly murderous discharge.
True, but Chromebooks are a type of Linux as well.
It would also be pretty cool if Lemmy wasn’t overrun by dipshit edgelord teenagers. I’ve about had it with the signal-to-noise ratio around here, just not sure where else to go for wholesome timewasting.
The thing that was nice about Reddit is that as long as you stayed away from the big subs, it was pretty easy to find informed and intelligent discussion. Not so on Lemmy, unless I’m just doing it wrong, which is definitely possible.
That’s fair. My mom passed away last year which just means that you’re even that much more correct.
That said, I’m in my 50s so both my parents are dead which is pretty regular at my age.
I’m still getting used to not having parents, but at my age it’s to be expected and probably easier than it would be were I younger.
The short version is that it was about the transfer of power from hereditary nobility to a different elite consisting of wealthy merchants and “gentlemen” farmers. This transfer was already happening anyway throughout the British Empire, the Americans just wanted to speed it up and codify it.