I think they are about to.
I think they are about to.
Why does it look like he’s farting in the general direction of the on-rushing dinosaur?
I remembered him from Mars Attacks too.
House has a fan that can’t be turned off at night.
Koreans: guess I’ll just die
Guest starring Dick van Dyke as the busker.
Seems like it’s much simpler than that. At least for right wingers:
“Someone who advocates for ideas that frighten me.”
Isn’t she Tim Apple’s niece?
Ahh yes, the famous 23rd century boy band “NCC-1701-SYNC”
…And a large and expensive gun collection, and tons of NASCAR paraphernalia.
You might find that name hilarious (as do I), but Devan Nunes would seething with anger at that. Especially since he just lost his job at Trump’s money laund- err, ‘social media’ company.
Okay, I like this lore.
If he’s the one fixing all the destruction wrought by Kool-Aid Man, isn’t he the good twin? Which would of course make Kool-Aid Man… the evil twin!
My grandfather was a high-end carpenter and furniture maker. He made some really nice cabinets and tables. He taught my dad all about both how to determine good quality furniture and how to make it. But my dad was not a carpenter, so quite a lot of the latter information was lost on him. What he did remember he (my dad) relayed to me. But I have only retained parts of what he relayed. Determining good vs bad quality furniture though? I remember most of that.
So now when I am looking at a new piece of furniture I can see whether it’s well or badly made. And let me tell you, the furniture made today is absolute shite quality unless you want to pay a lot for it. If you just want something for the next few years that’s fine. But if you want something to last (especially something that lasts the onslaught of abuse kids put it through), that’s a problem. But can I made such furniture? Hell no! All I can do is see the poor quality of most modern furniture and lament it. It’s a bit of a shit situation to be in, honestly.
That said, there’s still some really older good stuff available at second hand and thrift stores, and at estate sales. And it’s usually available for a good price.
For those who don’t get the reference, I think this is referring to the Mark of Cain teaching in Mormonism. This resulted in black members of the church being seen as lesser or inferior by many white members. The church officially abandoned it as an official teaching in 1978. But the stigma for black members still persists to some degree unofficially, with some white church members still believing it today.
The concept you bring up applied before the digital world took off as well.
For those of us who were around when the whole “YoU WoULdN’t StEaL a CaR!” argument against piracy was being made, it was a false equivalency when it came to ownership back then too.
Copying a song off the radio onto a tape cassette was not the same as breaking into a car, hot-wiring it, and driving off in it. Someone copying a song from the radio onto a cassette was not preventing others from listening to it.
Yes. This is not about theft. It’s about intellectual property rights and royalties via cloning a non-physical creation. They just masquerade it as theft because it helps their argument. It’s disingenuous of them.
I was just thinking about that show last night and wondering if/when season 2 was coming out, as it had good reviews, great cast, a good plot, and the dialogue was pretty good too.
Went to the Wikipedia page and found out Amazon cancelled it two months after it’s debut. Two months! They didn’t even give it a chance.
Damn, that’s kinda harsh.
Yup. I went to school and college with some monumental idiots back in the day. I had my moments too, of course. Idiocy transcends generations.
“When your brother’s date shoots his load at your sugar daddy.”