What is the metric for fairness here? And what version of 'capitalism' are we talking about?
What is the metric for fairness here? And what version of 'capitalism' are we talking about?
Forcing people to do something is easier than making them change wilfully. But people still should have the moral integrity to make the right choice regardless. Plus, people are so propagandised and indoctrinated by the industry from politicians and other bullshit that it would be an incredibly hard battle to fight.
Absolutely fucked up that your taxes go to supporting animal abuse whether you like it or not. Although, arguably worse is how many people don't even give the animals' suffering a second thought and just take the selfish path. Even fucking stupider is that chicken can be bought at the same price as tofu per kg. Like what the shit? Stop subsidising it. It's environmentally destructive and incredibly immoral.
You definitely sound like a sane individual. I didn't even propose anything lol. How is it wrong to think greedy people should be kept down for the benefit of society?
I think the hexbears probably fucked OP irl or something. Guy is going full mental illness mode.
Get that shit out of here bub. Everybody knows that communism is when capitalists exploit you and steal all your hard-earned money so you stay poor while they keep raking in record profits.
Basically very similar to capitalism, but they would probably have a better quality of life overall.
Didn’t know Marxism = CCP.
Are you rich? Because if not, you are not only awful but an idiot as well.
Anybody who says ‘just as bad’ in reference to this conversation is just brainwashed.
Basically, it only works if you can keep greedy people from expressing their greed. Evidently, not happening right now.
But it’s different when a monopoly/oligopoly does it! Surely… The difference here really is that there is no incentive to decide more coal miners are required, whereas our shitty version of capitalism absolutely pushes for companies to fuck over competitors any way possible. It makes it near impossible for small businesses to stand up to established ones with all the resources.
Lots of Redditors recently joined it seems. And they aren’t known for being the smartest people who properly utilise the voting system.
Because the free market is bullshit. It always results in a few major companies hand-shaking and fucking over consumers. Smaller businesses almost never have a chance and are just as easily bought out. To win in this capitalist iteration of society, you have to be the worst and greediest you can be. Add in the fact most people prefer to remain ignorant or are just generally apathetic from years of conditioning, and ‘voting with your wallet’ rarely really works. You should still do it though of course.
Insane that there are still people who aren’t using adblock these days lol.
'You are younger than me and therefore know nothing.' Can't argue with that there.