Then you need to work on your empathy and understanding of geopolitics.
Then you need to work on your empathy and understanding of geopolitics.
The entirety of their logic is myopic electoralism handed down to them by the most insufferable party climbers imaginable. If you are against their neoliberal blue genocider, you must be for the other tean’s red neoliberal genocider, because all of politics must be condensed to the next / the last election day and which neoliberal horse may win it.
You’re talking to people that want to continue rationalizing their tacit, frequently racist support for genocide, and their easiest out has always been to say, “but Trump is worse”. They have never done the introspection required to look at their own personal role as a political being beyond what they’re told to do by the Democratic Party and their donors: slacktivist vote shaming, always presuming the high ground for themselves (even while tolerating genocide!), and doing as little as possible on the ground outside of minor exercises in false catharsis like a cop-escorted, permitted march or an ignored letter writing campaign.
When challenged on this by people on the left that do read and do self-reflect, these are the folks that responded in bad faith, even when the context is genocide, because they have made politics into an extension of their egos rather than a project to which to subordinate yourself and devote real work to.
Whining about .ml is their way of pretending to be vindicated every time Trump does something bad, as they cannot actually argue against what the people in .ml say, they must rely on inventions and emotional implications.
In short, many on .ml vocally opposed supporting genociding Democrats. None that I’m aware of expected Trump to be better. At best, a roll of the dice.
“Here are several terminally online streamers. Are they cooking oe are they cooked?”
Under capitalism, profit maximization is necessary for the company you own to survive. You cannot be a “nice capitalist”, at least not for long. A person that is nice will have to conform their behavior to maximize profits anyways.
This dynamic does not exist in other systems, where your class membership makes you a relentless recursive tool of the market.
That’s describing capitalism, where profit maximization is systemically required for one to fulfill their role at “the top” and monopoly is the best way to increase profits.
Historically, “greed” was not the main characteristic of the ruling class. They did not exist under capitalism. Money itself often meant little. Land, a military, prestige, yes. But money fir money’s sake was officially frowned upon and generally left to the clergy to handle the hypocrisy.
No, feudalism has different economic relations than capitalism. It is about farm product graft from land-bound peasants on penalty of death or injury. Capitalism is about wage working. Capitalism emerged in the context of feudalism, so there were periods where both existed side by side, but capitalism is clearly different.
Do you think the USSR and Eastern Europe were free from the tendencies of capitalism to create imperialist war? The only post-WWII wars in Eastern Europe were skirmishes by capitalist-funded nationalists (quasi-fascists) and the civil war in Yugoslavia exacerbated by NATO to balkanize the country. The wars that the USSR supported were all pre-existing national liberation movements against imperialist colonizers, and they nearly always entered after imperialists had thrown massive resources into oppression. For example, Vietnam.
I thought it would be implied that I’m speaking about modern times. The economic system is the msin driver in large societies, though. In Europe, prior to capitalism, the primary determinant was feudal interests.
Chimps don’t have war. They fight, but is every skirmish a war? Wars come from creating and wielding armies.
Capitalism is the primary driver of wars, it determines the basic structure of what is and is not permissible, generates nation-states (these did not always exist, actually), and then creates the conditions by which the national bourgeoisie nation-states push for war in order to become international bourgeoisie (imperialists).
For example, the US keeps the middle east in a regular state of war to prevent them from having independent policies regarding oil. It is concerned about oil because of the petrodollar. It is concerned about the petrodollar because it is th3 primary financial war instrument by which it jeeps other countries sending superprofits its way and otherwise screwing with countries using interest rates. And it does those things because the US is the global seat of capital, it is where the big finance companies are based.
How many wars have there been in the middle east since 2000? How has the US been involved? Do they just do it for the thrill of domination?
And in those times the causes were things like feudalism.
The US invaded Cuba to try and stop its revolution following brinksmanship with the USSR on nukes. If the US today understood Mexico to be a military proxy it would be talking about nuking CDMX. The country is run by incredibly cold and violent people. It would run 24/7 propaganda about the necessity of invading Mexico for our defense and to make preemptive strikes. It would create false flags to justify whatever action they wanted to take. These all have precedent for going and destroying countries thousands of miles away.
Re: what you think you would do, the US has been doing a genocide for over a year. What have you done to ensure it does not happen again? Did you vote for Harria of the Biden-Harris administration carrying it out? If so, that is the exact opposite if what you said you would do.
Remember, no one is immune to propaganda. Wr must always challenge ourselves and be reqdy to receive and process criticism.
Regarding Ukraine, there could be nothing further than truth
Yeah I’m not watching a 35 minute video with no context or explanation. I also didn’t say anything about NATO expansion, the apparent topic of the video.
Perhaps you could describe what you think it wrong about what I have said.
As for Israel the problem is more that it isn’t a lapdog, it looks like US is Israel’s lapdog.
Israel knows its value to US interests and leverages this to its advantage, but never confuse this for Israel being the lapdog. They are dependent on US “aid”, weapons, investment, and diplomatic cover. Do you really think that tiny country is dominant over the global superpower?
Also, be careful when making this claim, as it is often made in antisemitic circles.
As it looks like Israel does whatever it wants even if it is against US interests, and US still supports it.
This is because it is otherwise fully aligned with the interests of the US ruling class. It serves a useful purpose. This is also because US propaganda would have you believe that it never tolerates, say, the killing of Americans. Of course it does, it just uses this as an excuse when it wants to do something terrible to another country.
Never underestimate the incoherency of an American hog.
If anything, him getting caught by being an idiot ay McDonalds makes the story more believable.
The US has used Ukraine as a proxy against thr RF since at least Euromaidan. Their policy with Ukraine was and is to apply maximum pressure to Russia to isolate them from the rest of Europe. The US funding and arming the war to the last Ukrainian is therefore a continuation of decades-long policy and not a “decision to help”.
This also applies to Israel. Israel is a lapdog of US empire that lashes out at targets in the middle eaat in ways that serve US ruling class interests. The US’ support of Israel did not begin on October 7, it has been ongoing for decades. The US just provided even more money than usual and has withstood siding with genocide because it has a complacent, propagandized, and complicit population.
Hamas is certainly on the right side, which is to say, the liberation of Palestine from its racist settler colonists.
I gave you the specific, identifying terms for both things, you can easily look into them with a Google search. If you spend 5 minutes looking for each and come back and say you could not identify them, I will go fetch them for you.
Sam Altman has refused to even provide evidence for this. His claim only has legs due to implicit sinophobia in his audience.