Where do these mushy straws reside? I’m not one to get fast food or go to restaurants very often but it’s always plastic.
Where do these mushy straws reside? I’m not one to get fast food or go to restaurants very often but it’s always plastic.
Humans: aight bet creates way to remove salt from the water checkmate.
Only thing stopping you is your bank account 😆
I slept with my foot crammed in between my bed and wall and now 4 days later it’s still killing me when I don’t put pressure on it.☹️
Getting old is lame. Come on scientists figure out immortality please i beg you.
I enjoy that they get bullied in the comments about it too.
God damn how big of a sack does he got. That hole looks pretty sizable. Unless that chair in the thumbnail is clickbait.
Let me guess those fuckin low life scum posting csam? I’ve noticed an uptick in complaints about it recently.
Wait people pronounce them differently. I’ve been saying it the same way.😭
Yep those sounds are in my head again
I immediately assume they are from tiktok when i see that shit
Our company is based off levels. So everyone makes the same pay at their respective levels. I’m already maxed out so I’m not getting any raises except for cost of living and the yearly. Sorry you work at a job where people rely on kissing asses and sucking dicks to get a pathetic raise.
My job vs theirs 🤷. Do your job and I’ll do mine and we won’t have issues. Start drama with me and it’s game over.
Yes that is true. I just can’t help it.
Oh i didn’t get in trouble for it as I didn’t break any rules. I speak my mind regardless who I’m talking to. When I’m at work i care about myself only and everyone else i run over with a bus if they interfere with me. Ezpz.
The person. USA baby I’ll happily practice my rights 😁
My bosses boss told me this. I stopped him right there and told him flat out I’m here for a check and that’s it. I don’t care about anyone here. They all could disappear tomorrow and i wouldn’t shed a tear. Didn’t like that comment very much 🤣
Can someone explain what it’s like having a dirty room everyday? I’m a clean freak so my house is spotless. I’ve got a 4 roombas zooming around all day everyday. All my trash…goes in the trash can. But i see people having loads of water bottles on their desk for weeks and it doesn’t faze them. I just can’t stand filth.
I’m hoping aliens invade so i can be a stowaway. I’ll bring some water and food to last a few days before getting the balls to make myself known when they leave the planet. They’ll either kill me or experiment on me. Either is fine with me as long as they don’t send me back. Just let me take a leak/shit real quick in whatever version of a toilet u got first please.