You’re not alone. I understand he has given money to good causes, but there is something about watching videos of someone throwing large amounts of cash around that makes me uneasy.
Is that Honey Boo Boo’s mom?
I worked with a guy that had this model chair and he broke it. Maintenance had to weld it back together and add additional supports.
Do not put your dick in that.
These weren’t the beans I was promised when signing up for Lemmy.
My argument stands. The companies that don’t conform lose market share, because you don’t buy their products requiring proprietary accessories. Your example list of products exclude an iPhone, so they lost your business. The argument I’m hearing is that you feel the government should force a company to make their product nicer to transition to, or use. That is in the best interest of a company, however Apple has chosen a different path. It’s your job to let them fail or support their choices by giving them money. There are many people that use the Apple ecosystem and don’t really care what connector type is being used.
How many of you dweebs complaining about Apple “constantly changing connectors” and “making you buy proprietary cables” with every new phone realize that they’ve been using the same connector for over a DECADE now? I’m all for reducing e-waste, but come on. If you don’t like their stuff, don’t buy it.
He bean-t the rules.
The same Stanley. They still sell those giant green thermoses our fathers and grandfathers used to take half a gallon of stale coffee to the coal mine or steel mill.