Which is bizarre to me, since you have to imagine the core audience for those movies were middle aged people who saw the originals as kids.
These are the people they needed to draw in, but the real audience was their kids. They wanted to create a new generation of Star Wars fans, and they knocked it out of the park.
That sounds awesome, thanks for the tip.
Pigs are resistant and it doesn’t matter to any animals unless they are eating brains. All of the smarmy aasholes in here commenting “wHaT aBoUt PrIoNs” are embarrassing themselves.
Sorry, best I can offer you is a flippant observation about decade old media perceived only through the myopic lens of progressive youth shielded from the realities of culture in America.
Get as many people as you can to change their password on or around the same day. 93 days later either bombard IT with simultaneous requests or maybe stagger them to eat up their resources for days.
Interesting choice for .ml of all lemmies to revive Chuck Norris jokes given his political beliefs.
There is a great benefit to having a strong US-backed military presence in the middle East for the general security of the US. That’s the long and short of it for Republicans.