Same same. One of the funniest scenes in a movie that I can recall.
Some say that giant Koreans don’t exist.
Same same. One of the funniest scenes in a movie that I can recall.
I have oatmeal, an apple, and some kind of protein almost every morning. Just feels nice.
Just a splash of oat milk for me, thanks.
You don’t stand over them while they sleep?
The Hedgehogre
Suka suka suka suka suka suka suka BLYATMAAAAN
I think he’s a good actor. Apparently he’s a big nerd, too (I say that as a compliment). He owns a D&D themed whiskey company.
I’ve done this, but into my heel. The good news is that it didn’t go all the way through because of my heel bone. I’m lucky I wasn’t about 6 inches back.
“Angry mayonnaise noises” brings to mind an image of someone finger blasting a jar of mayonnaise while screaming.
Good news! We’ll be exctinct long before this happens. One less thing to worry about!
Oh whoops, ooh! I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong!
This is how it is where I work.
Potentially dumb question - are there any other instances?
I hate that I immediately got this.
Tri any language once?
When people skip straight past arousal and fear to confusion.
At first I was like he’s doing a chinup, bad ass! But why is the picture rotat- oh… Oh, wait…
Neither of them are anatomically correct.
Unless she kills you before you can score the point.