Please put a stop to the ad supported web, EU
Please put a stop to the ad supported web, EU
I would love that if I had an iPhone mini and the keyboard prevents the software one from popping up. On a full sized regular iPhone I don’t really see the appeal, even if I do like physical keyboards.
Yes, we keep importing idiotic trends from the US, might as well import something fun
Now we only need to have the same right expanded to civilians
Nice to have, but ultimately unenforceable and irritating when half baked.
You’d end up with either a basic standard everyone supports and then extends in their own proprietary ways, limiting interoperability to SMS like content (at which point just use SMS, they’re included in every phone plan), or with multiple apps built on top of the same protocol (which IMHO would be better).
That said, don’t we already have the protocol in the form of XMPP? I remember people trying to make XMPP compatibility a big selling point for Skype almost a decade ago, and cross-chat compatibility between Skype, WL Messenger and one of the infinite Google chat services. No idea how that ended up.
Perhaps something like E2EE XMPP, if that is a thing?
I wonder if at least one non empty line from the original code is still present in today’s desktop version
I guess nobody’s selling avocado toasts in China.
As long as your country has no oil, you can insult them without fear of retribution
Should’ve been the version saying:
Geanie: “It is done”
Person: “But… nothing changed”
G: “Correct”
Because then you’ll be able to dismiss the ethics while being aware of the implications of your research.
Disregarding the ethics while not knowing them grants you no extra points, whilst deliberately ignoring the ethical ramifications but understanding them gets you all the points
I get the most deadly creatures and kangaroos for free? No way!
What if I despise the way they live and everything they stand for?
No infrastructure yet.
I’ve only seen that happen with AMD cards from an 8yo laptop, where the Microsoft provided driver somehow lacked OpenGL support. And my desktop’s sound driver, where only the older driver supports my setup. But those are the only two cases that come to mind since Win8 came out
But… carefully skimming through pages of drivers was the best part of installing older versions of Windows.
They’re not showing me recommendations anymore so whatever. That change was probably the first good thing I’ve seen on YouTube in the last decade
Yes but what’s the recipe? Was it a bleach based recipe? Did they make chlorine from salt water? So many options…
I hate that “Oh no” track so much…
I’d be fine with either paywalls and donations. Ad support is nice theoretically, but we’ve seen that we can’t be trusted not to turn that into a hellhole of popups and broken experiences to maximise revenue.