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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2021


  • I disagree. Async Rust is fine, but it does have some baggage, not least of which is Pin/Unpin which I still don’t fully understand. But that aside, I prefer writing async Rust to any other language because the rest of Rust comes along for the ride!

    It’s actually amazing that I can use the same mental model for async code on a small MCU or a large server.

    Is Arc really the worst GC? Doesn’t Swift use reference counting also? I did a few minutes of searching but couldn’t really find any benchmarks comparing Arc with Swift RC or some other GC.

    I feel that async Rust is a good set of tradeoffs that allows it to scale to a lot more than just writing web servers. Rust seems to be pretty good for web servers too though.

  • Clearly you’ve never read Hacker News. :)

    Every point I’ve made has several threads on pretty much every Hacker News post about Mozilla or Firefox.

    I was using Firefox when it was still called Phoenix, and I switched to Chrome briefly about 10 years ago when it was actually a bit better than Firefox. At the time, most people I knew in the tech sector were using Firefox. It’s Firebug extension was a major boost for development. Chrome was a bit better and their dev tools were even better than Firebug at the time.

    I switched back to Firefox when I saw the direction Google was taking it, and I know a lot of other people did as well. Still, many people stayed with Chrome. There’s no shortage of comments on Hacker News about “I dropped Firefox because X” or “I tried to switch to Firefox but X”, where X is one of the things I mentioned.

    Chrome got to where it was in no small part to us “computer people” saying it was good. And now not enough of us are saying Firefox is good. It breaks my heart to see so many young and smart developers choosing Chrome.

    We’re heading back to the bad old days of IE dominance, with proprietary extensions, playing fast and loose with standards, and market dominance pushing for things that only benefit one company. ActiveX still gives me nightmares.

  • My issue isn’t with the technology but the fact that only an announcement created $100,000,000,000 worth of “value” while at the same time people are losing their jobs.

    And even if the tech works, there are any number of reasons it won’t be successful. A competitor may beat them to it, or an open source one comes out, or the UI is terrible, or a middle manager cancels the project, or…

    I have no issues with people making piles of money for creating useful things, but I do take issue with the speculative market moving around so much money while inequality is on the rise and people are out of work. And some of these are the very people who created that “value”.

    I don’t really have a solution, but I also refuse to accept it as just the way things are.