Exactly. Just wait until Donnie realises technically all cis-males are trans, as all fetuses start off as female and only begin transitioning to being male six weeks into their existence
Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII
Exactly. Just wait until Donnie realises technically all cis-males are trans, as all fetuses start off as female and only begin transitioning to being male six weeks into their existence
I’m sure if I was the lottery winner I’d be salty in this scenario, but you only get half as a lump sum anyway, and having $1 billion taxed at roughly half is probably how it should be.
The thing that makes it painful is as OP said, all billionaires should be getting taxed like this, not just that one who can’t exploit tax loopholes.
I like how the regular stuff is obfuscated and buried deeper than Putin’s bunker, but Vampire Porn is just hanging about barely below the surface
I hate to tell you OP, but there’s just about 0% chance that’s gonna happen. Rich people want someone to make an example out of, and the government is all too keen to do it
It’s such a garbage argument when you can just counter with “okay then, release software which allows the public to run them for themselves”.
There are plenty of famous games, including Minecraft (only the most famous game in history) that manage to do that just fine. Acting like it’s impossible just so that you can force people to buy the next game is bullshit.
As @dependencyinjection@discuss.tchncs.de beat me to replying, I meant the OP picture of a reply from ChatGPT.
Though just realised I had accidentally implied your GF was a chatbot, which did give me a chuckle
I hate to side with a chatbot, but the right-wing rarely opposes systemic injustices, and this was definitely opposing system injustice imposed by healthcare insurance agencies
Related to the previous posts bit, but I remember first seeing the Man vs. Bear memes.
I’ll admit it was hard not to take it personally at first, because even if you agreed with the core of the message, it feels like you’re being lumped in with the worst of menkind for no good reason. That’s probably why the reaction was so toxic, because people just replied with their gut reaction, which was to take offence…
But upon giving it a bit of thought, I realised that as a guy who’s lived in some dodgy areas, I think I too would oftentimes prefer to take my chances with a bear than alone with a stranger at night - not cause I think I’d beat the bear, but at least you know what the bear’s probably gonna do…
And if I feel that way being a man, then considering (on average) women are weaker than men of the same build, I can see why women would feel that way too.
While I honestly believe nobody can get that kind of money ethically, the fact that he actually put his money where his mouth was on philanthropy whike still alive, and almost all anonymously, is very admirable
It goes to show how morally bankrupt these people are that it takes the fear of death being out into them to get them to do something even remotely good/ethical.
It also unfortunately proves, once more, that violence can absolutely be the solution.
As other replies have said and linked to, it’s meant to be “loss”
Though OP slightly changed the template to fit the puzzle, as the right hand corner is meant to have the shorter piece. That threw me off as well.
I’d recognise that pattern anywhere, but I focused in on the problem and almost didn’t notice your dasterdly deed
You’re not wrong. It is literal objectification of people haha … Just not in the way the OP meant
Of all the traditions one could use to point out objectification of women, statues was not it. People really do just like getting frisky with statues, regardless of gender
One of mine will let me do it, on her terms of course. The other bolts if you even think about it, despite being the more aggressive headbutter
Honestly not even bad life advice…
You might not get somebody’s POV, you might think it’s weird or bizarre, hell you might have no fucking clue how they got there, but the end of the day, as long as they’re not harming other people in the process, does it matter how they view the world?
Being exposed to all different walks of life is a good thing, no matter whether it’s Tumblr fetishes or real-world diversity. There’s a reason that higher education leads people to be less bigoted, and this is a big part of it.
Edit: Just adding on. I know myself I used to be a lot more close-minded than I am now, and I credit going to university with that - as said above, it opened my mind to different POVs and walks of life. Albeit I’m still not quite ready for whatever fetish pooltoys involves haha
IMO this year has actually felt comparatively longer than the last few since the C-19 lockdowns started. I actually feel like I’m late into the year, rather than having just blinked it away.
Man, my brother is the worst for this. Has multiple pairs of headphones, usually at least one on his person, and STILL will blast his Instagram reel on speaker as if everyone around him wants to hear his doomscrolling and brainrot memes
So the profit cap has been removed and the non-profit has been kicked out of the control seat. Sounds like they’re taking off all the safeties in the name of money.
Goes to show the money always wins, and if AGI comes true, humanity will pay forfeit.
Even if I were being charitable to say what he meant was not being famous is easier, it’s still such a backhanded remark to make - I’d rather deal with the problems of fame than the looming threat of the poverty line any day of the week.