Carrots are common as a sweetener and thickener in some veggie based sauces. Melinda’s hot sauce uses them too
Carrots are common as a sweetener and thickener in some veggie based sauces. Melinda’s hot sauce uses them too
I love a biscuit breakfast Sammy. I can buy one for 3 bucks, or spend 20 dollars and 2 hours making a less good one
What if this was a defensive evolution by those entries to reduce losses caused by their would-be natural predators?
Is all Appalachian… right? Like Middletown, middle of Appalachian town… Dude’s an idiot
I used to read it but it kind of went left field at some point in the story and I lost track of it, then gave up.
Do they find me as attractive as I find them? I’m pretty sure I think my wife is much cuter than she thinks I am.
No doubt, it is just funny to be that passenger rail is so out of fashion in the US that most of the population things the rails simply don’t exist, when they clearly do, in droves even. They are just privately owned and rarely shared.
The United States has more usable rail miles than all of Europe combined. But it’s limited to freight traffic only. Amtrak has to lease time on the rails, which is why it’s pricey
Where is the central vacuum system?
You’re going to be on a list soon
I’m still hoping that DMC comes out with an alpha 5 variant I can afford
I’ll suggest the same thing I always suggest:
Pick a favorite browser to use for every day
Pick least favorite browser for porn Set up least favorite browser to remove cache, cookies, history, everything on close
That way you can safely F without search suggestions
Requires effort. Also I’m thoroughly convinced hardware and software companies do it on purpose.
It’s like the whole wearing Nike as your sponsor, the devs are paid to make it badly optimized so customers are encouraged to buy new tech.
Mistakes happen when untrained people are employed to do work.
In my opinion I’m not opposed to this quorum
My friend and I had this conversation about anime and telling people ages of characters. Do I need to know that the MC is 27 and nearly a spinster? Not really, it doesn’t make a lick of difference.
What makes it real weird is when they go out of the way to point out characters are teenagers in a clearly non-teenaged novel.